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Female proportion has a stronger influence on dispersal than body size in nematodes of mountain lakes

Guillermo de Mendoza, Birgit Gansfort, Jordi Catalan, Walter Traunspurger

Human- common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius)-conflict in the Dhidhessa Wildlife Sanctuary and its surrounding, Southwestern Ethiopia

Girma Gizachew Tefera, Tadesse Habtamu Tessema, Tibebu Alemu Bekere, Tariku Mekonnen Gutema

Nonlinear Fourier classification of 663 rogue waves measured in the Philippine Sea

Yu-Chen Lee, Markus Brühl, Dong-Jiing Doong, Sander Wahls

The ecological and biodiversity conservation values of farm dams: A systematic review

Michelle Littlefair, Ben C. Scheele, Martin Westgate, David Lindenmayer

Experimental research on the impact pressure of tidal bore fronts

Shubo Yue, Jian Zeng,  [ ... ], Dongfeng Xie

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