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Correction: Enteric Microbiome Metabolites Correlate with Response to Simvastatin Treatment

  • Rima Kaddurah-Daouk,
  • Rebecca A. Baillie,
  • Hongjie Zhu,
  • Zhao-Bang Zeng,
  • Michelle M. Wiest,
  • Uyen Thao Nguyen,
  • Katie Wojnoonski,
  • Steven M. Watkins,
  • Miles Trupp,
  • Ronald M. Krauss
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There were errors in Figures 1 and 3, and in the legends of Figures 1,2,3, and 4. The correct versions of the Figures can be found here: Figure 1:

Figure 3: The correct versions of the legends can be found here: Figure 1. Sterol pathway map testing the association of pretreatment metabolites with change of LDL-C by statin treatment. The map was constructed using a correlation of pretreatment metabolites with change in LDL-C in FR. The color scheme corresponds to correlation strength as shown by the color bar. Red: Lower level at baseline, greater response. Blue: Higher level at baseline, greater response. Enzymes are represented by circles; metabolites by squares. Metabolites in grey squares were not quantified. White squares were not significantly different. ** Correlations significant after controlling for q-value. Figure 2. Correlation matrix for testing the association of pretreatment metabolites with a change in LDL-C by statin treatment. The correlation map shows pretreatment metabolites and change in LDL-C in FR. The color scheme corresponds to correlation strength as shown by the color bar. Red: Lower level at baseline, greater response. Blue: Higher level at baseline, greater response. Correlations to changes in LDL-C are given in the first row and column. These correlations have been rescaled (divided by the largest absolute value of them) to be clearer on the map. Figure 3. Sterol pathway map testing the difference in pretreatment metabolites between good and poor responders in GPR. Enzymes are represented by circles; metabolites by squares. Metabolites in grey squares were not quantified. White squares were not significantly different. The metabolites with significant p-values are colored blue indicating higher baseline level of these metabolites are associated with greater response. Figure 4. Correlation matrices of pretreatment sterol metabolites in good and poor responders. The differences between the two matrices reflects the differences between the groups responses to statin treatment. The color scheme corresponds to correlation strength as shown by the color bar.