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Correction: Inheritance of Acquired Behaviour Adaptations and Brain Gene Expression in Chickens

  • Daniel Nätt,
  • Niclas Lindqvist,
  • Henrik Stranneheim,
  • Joakim Lundeberg,
  • Peter A. Torjesen,
  • Per Jensen
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The legends for Figures 3 and 4 were incorrectly switched. The correct legend for Figure 3 should read: "(A) Growth in UL and PL parents; male UL, n = 4; male PL, n = 7; female UL, n = 11; female PL, n = 8. (B) Body weight in offspring of UL and PL parents. The difference between the offspring groups was significant (p<0.01) based on a repeated measure general linear model with parental treatment and sex as independent factors. There was an interaction between parental treatment and sex (p<0.05) illustrated by the small figure in the female diagram. (C) Growth in offspring of UL and PL parents; males with UL parents n = 10; males with PL parents, n = 9; females with UL parents n = 11; females with PL parents n = 10. All values are given as grams with means±SEM."