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Warming Amplification of Minimum and Maximum Temperatures over High-Elevation Regions across the Globe

  • Xiaohui Fan ,

    Contributed equally to this work with: Xiaohui Fan, Qixiang Wang

    Affiliation Institute of Loess Plateau, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

  • Qixiang Wang ,

    Contributed equally to this work with: Xiaohui Fan, Qixiang Wang

    Affiliation Institute of Loess Plateau, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

  • Mengben Wang ,

    Affiliation Institute of Loess Plateau, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China

  • Claudia Villarroel Jiménez

    Affiliation Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Santiago, Chile


An analysis of the annual mean temperature (TMEAN) (1961–2010) has revealed that warming amplification (altitudinal amplification and regional amplification) is a common feature of major high-elevation regions across the globe against the background of global warming since the mid-20th century. In this study, the authors further examine whether this holds for annual mean minimum temperature (TMIN) and annual mean maximum temperature (TMAX) (1961–2010) on a global scale. The extraction method of warming component of altitude, and the paired region comparison method were used in this study. Results show that a significant altitudinal amplification trend in TMIN (TMAX) is detected in all (four) of the six high-elevation regions tested, and the average magnitude of altitudinal amplification trend for TMIN (TMAX) [0.306±0.086 °C km-1(0.154±0.213 °C km-1)] is substantially larger (smaller) than TMEAN (0.230±0.073 °C km-1) during the period 1961–2010. For the five paired high- and low-elevation regions available, regional amplification is detected in the four high-elevation regions for TMIN and TMAX (respectively or as a whole). Qualitatively, highly (largely) consistent results are observed for TMIN (TMAX) compared with those for TMEAN.


Two key questions related to climate changes in high-elevation regions are whether elevation-dependent warming commonly occurs in these regions, and whether high-elevation regions are warming faster than their low-elevation counterparts [15]. During the recent decades, numerous studies have focused on the first issue based on surface observations. Although most studies focused on the mean temperature [611], a few other studies also analyzed the minimum temperature and maximum temperature [1115]. However, the elevation dependency was statistically confirmed only for the minimum temperature anomalies (1979–1993) in the Swiss Alps[12]. On the second issue, Falvey and Garreaud [16] used daily mean temperature series (1979–2006) and identified a strong contrast between surface cooling at low-lying (coastal) stations and warming in the Andes in central and northern Chile. Additionally, greater warming was observed at high-elevation sites than at low-lying sites in the Swiss Alps based on the trends in maximum and minimum temperatures [1718].

In the latest study, based on a dataset of annual mean temperature (TMEAN) series (1961–2010) from 2367 stations around the world, Wang et al. [19] revealed that warming amplification (altitudinal amplification and regional amplification) is a common feature of major high-elevation regions across the globe against the background of global warming since the mid-20th century. These authors reached this conclusion by developing the altitudinal warming component extraction equation (AWCE equation), and employing the paired region comparison method. In this study, we further examine whether this holds for annual mean minimum temperature (TMIN) and annual mean maximum temperature (TMAX).

Materials and Methods

2.1 Data

This study used a dataset of 1,494 TMIN and 1,448 TMAX station series (1961–2010) around the world (Fig 1). Of all the stations, 1334 are the same stations, representing 89.3% (92.1%) of the total TMIN (TMAX) stations; and 652 (641) TMIN (TMAX) stations are sited at the six high-elevation regions tested (Fig 2), of which 636 are the same stations, representing 97.5% (99.2%) of the total high-elevation region TMIN (TMAX) stations.

Fig 1. Distribution of 1494 stations with annual mean minimum temperature series (top) and 1448 stations with annual mean maximum temperature series (bottom) used for this study around the globe.

The boundaries of continents, generated with the Adobe Photoshop CS6, are not necessarily identical to the original image, and are therefore for illustrative purpose only.

Fig 2. Distribution of stations in the high-elevation regions.

The left panels show the stations with annual mean minimum temperature series, and the right panels show the stations with annual mean maximum temperature series. The high-elevation stations at ≥500m asl, and ≥200m to <500 m asl are shown in blue and red colors, respectively. Dots and circles stand for significant and non-significant positive trends, respectively. The boundaries of continents and the high-elevation regions, generated with the Adobe Photoshop CS6, are for illustrative purpose only.

The data were compiled from 6 sources: the Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly (GHCNM) version 3.2.0dataset [20]; the National Meteorological Information Center of China (NMICC); MeteoSwiss; the Latin American Climate Assessment and dataset (LACAD)[21]; the European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D)[22]; and the National Weather Service of Chile (NWSC). The data for the GHCNM, NMICC, ECA&D and NWSC were available for the entire period 1961–2010, while the data for the LACAD were available for the period 1961–2006.

To obtain the annual time series from the daily minimum and maximum temperatures from the ECA&D and NWSC, two steps (or two criteria) were required. A monthly mean value was first calculated for the available days if no more than 3 days of data were missing in that month; then, an annual mean value was computed from the monthly means if 12 monthly values were present in that year. For the monthly data from other sources, the annual time series was calculated using the second criterion. After the establishment of the TMIN and TMAX series (1961–2010), the series that had at least37yearsof complete data (i.e., 12 months per year) were selected for homogeneity testing using RHtests V3 [23]. The series that had obvious inhomogeneity were excluded. However, the series from the LACAD with at least 30 years of complete data were also included in the homogeneity test because the source dataset ended in 2006, the available stations in the Andes were very sparse, and no other data are available at present. The final dataset consisted of 909 (874), 459 (459), 58 (53), 36 (33),17 (17) and 15 (12)TMIN(TMAX) stations from the GHCNM; NMICC, MeteoSwiss, LACAD, ECA&D and NWSC, respectively, with 37, 41, 37, 30, 41and 40yearsof complete data, respectively.

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Test of temperature trend.

The trend for a station (or a region as a whole) was extracted from the anomalies (relative to the 1961–1990 mean) using the Mann-Kendall method [2425]. The trend slope was estimated using Sen’s method [26] and the trend significance was determined using the Mann-Kendall test [2425] with an iterative procedure [27].

2.2.2 Test of altitudinal amplification.

The methodology for evaluation of the altitudinal amplification trend for TMIN (TMAX) within a high-elevation region was exactly the same as for TMEAN in the previous study [19], consisting of the following four steps:

  1. Transformation of altitude (in meter), latitude (in degree) and longitude (in degree) into ALT, LAT and LONG (all in km) for each station using the following equations, (1) (2) (3)
    where 111.317 (expressed in km) is the distance constant per degree of latitude, and R is the radius of the Earth. Because the distance between two degrees of longitude changes with latitude, eq (3) is necessary.
  2. Estimation of the effect coefficients of altitude, latitude and longitude (ECALT, ECLAT and ECLONG, respectively) on a regional scale using stepwise regression. This procedure was performed with the model of fit y = b1x1 + b2x2 +b3x3 + c, where the long-term (1961–2010) average TMIN and TMAX values (TAVG in general, °C) and the ALT, LAT and LONG values of the individual stations within a region were taken as the dependent (y) and independent variables (x1, x2, and x3), respectively. The negative values of the regression coefficients (b1, b2 andb3) estimated for ALT, LAT and LONG (i.e., the temperature lapse rates along the altitudinal, latitudinal and longitudinal gradients) were taken as ECALT, ECLAT and ECLONG, respectively. When an independent variable was not introduced (i.e., the partial correlation coefficient for it was not significant at the 0.05 level), its effect coefficient was considered to be zero.
  3. Extraction of the warming component of altitude (QALT) from the station warming rate (QTOTAL) for each station within a high-elevation region using the following equation, (4)
    where QTOTAL in TMIN and TMAX is expressed in °C 50-yrs-1, and ALT, LAT and LONG are all expressed in km for each station, and ECALT, ECLAT and ECLONG are constant values for every station within the region, and are expressed in °C km-1. The result, QALT, is also expressed in °C 50-yrs-1.
  4. Test of the altitudinal amplification trend for each region. Based on the QALT values extracted from the individual stations, the altitudinal amplification trend was evaluated by regressing QALT against ALT to obtain the amplification factor (QALTAMP, in °C km-150-yrs-1) over the period 1961–2010.

Besides, if assuming that the temperature change in a high-elevation region is predominately controlled by altitude and latitude, then the ECALT, and ECLAT will be estimated using the model of fit y = b1x1 + b2x2 + c, where the long-term average TMEAN (TMIN or TMAX; in °C), and the ALT and LAT at individual stations within the region will be used as the dependent (y) and independent variables (x1 and x2), respectively. The negative values of b1 and b2 will be taken as the ECALT and ECLAT, respectively. The extraction of QALT from QTOTAL for each station is conducted either using eq (4), where the ECLONG is assumed to be zero, or using the following equation: (5)

Furthermore, if assuming that the temperature change in a high-elevation region is only controlled by altitude (both ECLAT and ECLONG are considered to be zero), QALT will be equal to QTOTAL, (6)

It is clear that this equation is a special case of eq (4) or eq (5).

2.2.3 Test of regional amplification.

The regional amplification was tested using the paired-region comparison method [19]. Each of the paired high and lower elevation regions were selected using a method similar to the belt transect method. Each paired regions are located at the same latitudes, and has the equal longitude range. The sampled area is a northeast-southwest parallelogram for the Appalachian Mountains, and its west low-lying counterpart (Table 1).

Table 1. The latitudes, longitudes, and average altitudes of the paired regions across the globe.

However, the regional amplification was not only evaluated for TMIN and TMAX as for TMEAN [19], but also for TMIN and TMAX as a whole. (1) The regional amplification was evaluated for TMIN and TMAX separately when a similar asymmetric warming in TMIN and TMAX occurs between one paired regions; that is, the magnitude of the trend is greater for TMIN than TMAX (or for TMAX than TMIN) in both high- and low-elevation regions. (2) The regional amplification was evaluated for TMIN and TMAX as a whole (the average magnitude of TMIN and TMAX trends was used for comparison) when an opposite asymmetric warming in TMIN and TMAX occurs between one paired regions; that is, the magnitude of the trend is greater for TMIN than TMAX in one region, whereas the magnitude of the trend is greater for TMAX than TMIN in its counterpart. In this situation, the separate analysis of regional amplification for TMIN and TMAX would not only make the difference in TMIN or TMAX (or both) appear very large between the paired regions, but would also make the warming in TMIN or TMAX look even weaker at times for the high-elevation region than its lower counterpart, and vice versa, even if the average warming (the magnitude of the TMEAN trend) is greater in the high-elevation region than its lower counterpart.


3.1 Altitudinal amplification

Figs 3 and 4 depict the relationship between the altitudinal warming components (QALTs) and station altitudes within each high-elevation region for TMIN and TMAX, respectively. A significant altitude amplification trend in TMIN is detected in all the high-elevation regions tested (the Tibetan Plateau, Loess Plateau, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Alps, US Rocky Mountains, and Appalachian Mountains), whereas a significant or a marginally significant altitude amplification trend in TMAX is observed in four of the high-elevation regions (significant: the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Alps, and Appalachian Mountains; marginally significant: the Tibetan Plateau). No altitudinal amplification in TMAX is detected in the Loess Plateau, and US Rocky Mountains.

Fig 3. Relationship between altitudinal warming components (QALTs) of annual mean minimum temperature and station altitudes for the high-elevation regions across the globe. Dots represent QALTs, and dark cyan lines indicate linear regression lines.

The magnitude of altitudinal amplification trend (QALTAMP, the gradient of the regression line) is expressed in °C km-150-yrs-1. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) are shown with two-tailed p values in parentheses. Significant coefficients (at the 0.05 level) are set in bold.

Fig 4. Same as Fig 3 but for annual mean maximum temperature, with the marginally significant coefficient (at the 0.10 level) in italic bold.

In the regions where altitudinal amplification trends have been confirmed for TMIN and TMAX, the magnitudes of the amplification trends are generally greater for TMIN than for TMAX (Table 2). If the magnitude of the altitudinal amplification trend is taken as zero when no altitudinal amplification trend is detected, the average magnitude of altitudinal amplification trends for the six regions is 0.306 ± 0.086 °C km-1 50-yrs-1 and 0.154 ± 0.213 °C km-1 50-yrs-1 for TMIN and TMAX, respectively. This indicates a remarkable asymmetry in the altitudinal amplification between TMIN and TMAX. The average magnitude of amplification trends is 0.33 times greater for TMIN but 0.33 times smaller for TMAX compared with the magnitude for TMEAN (0.230 ± 0.073 °C km-1) during the period 1961–2010.

Table 2. Summary of the regional warming trend [QREG(°C 50-yrs-1)], effect coefficients of altitude, latitude and longitude [ECALT, ECLAT, and ECLONG (°C km-1)], and altitudinal amplification trend [QALTAMP (°C km-150-yrs-1)] for the high-elevation regions across the globe.

Similar results are obtained (Table 3) provided that temperature change in high-elevation regions is predominately controlled by two variables (altitude and latitude) rather than three variables (altitude, latitude and longitude). The average magnitude of the altitudinal amplification trends for the six regions is0.300 ±0.089 °C km-150-yrs-1 and 0.155±0.212 °C km-1 50-yrs-1for TMIN and TMAX, respectively;0.32 times greater for TMIN but 0.32 times smaller for TMAX compared with that (0.228 ±0.069 °C km-1) for TMEAN during the same period. This indicates that the longitude effect, though significant in three of the regions tested, is almost negligible in quantifying the altitudinal amplification trends in high-elevation regions.

Table 3. Same as Table 2 but provided that the temperature change is predominately controlled by two variables (altitude and latitude) rather than three variables (altitude, latitude, and longitude).

However, if assuming that temperature change in high-elevation regions is only controlled by altitude, contrasting results are obtained for TMEAN[19], TMIN and TMAX(Table 4). The differing results for TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX among the high-elevation regions could be attributed to the difference in signal intensity of the QTOTAL values[28] and the region-specific interactions between altitude and latitude [19]in the individual regions (see the ‘Discussion‘section for details).

Table 4. Relationships between station warming rates (QTOTAL, °C 50-yrs-1) and station altitudes (km) in the high-elevation regions across the globe.

3.2 Regional amplification

Figs 5 and 6 depict the monotonic trends (1961–2010) in the paired regions for TMIN and TMAX, respectively. Among the five paired regions, the magnitude of the TMAX trend is larger than the TMIN trend for the Alps and its low-lying counterpart, whereas the magnitude of the TMIN trend is larger than the TMAX trend for the Appalachian Mountains and its low-lying counterpart. Despite this difference between these two paired regions, similar asymmetric warming is detected in each paired regions. It is clear that greater warming is only observed in TMIN for the Alps than its east low-lying counterpart, whereas greater warming is detected in both TMIN and TMAX in the Appalachian Mountains than in its low-lying counterpart.

Fig 5. Monotonic trends of annual mean minimum temperature during 1961–2010 over the paired regions shown across the globe.

The regional anomaly values are produced by simple averaging of the individual station anomaly values (relative to the 1961 to 1990 means) within each region. The trend is extracted using the Mann-Kendall test method, and expressed in °C 50-yrs-1, with the statistic z and its p value in parentheses. The significant trend (at the 0.05 level) is set in bold.

For other three paired regions, opposite asymmetric warming is observed between each paired regions. The magnitude of the TMIN trend is larger than the TMAX trend on the Northern Tibetan Plateau, whereas the magnitude of the TMIN trend is smaller than that of the TMAX trend in its eastern lower-elevation counterpart (the sampled Loess Plateau). The magnitude of the TMIN trend is smaller than that of the TMAX trend in the East Loess Plateau and the Southeast Rocky Mountains, whereas the TMIN trend is larger than the TMAX trend in their low-lying counterparts (the North China Plain and the eastern low-lying region, respectively). When the regional amplification is estimated for TMIN and TMAX as a whole, the warming is greater on the North Tibetan Plateau than the sampled Loess Plateau (2.26 versus 1.60 °C)and in the Southeast Rocky Mountains than its eastern low-lying region (1.54 versus 1.05 °C) during 1961–2010. Greater warming also occurred in the East Loess Plateau than on the North China Plain (1.53 versus 1.42 °C) during the same period.


Many factors might have played a role in shaping the patterns of temperature change in high-elevation regions across the globe. However, it is worth noting that these factors might have distinct effects in terms of their magnitudes and directions, and can be defined as basic and non-basic factors in terms of their relative status in the complex interaction hierarchy.

Barry [2] stated that climate in mountain regions is controlled by four basic factors: altitude, latitude, continentality, and topography. A previous study has shown that altitude and latitude are major factors in determining the geographical pattern of temperature change in the Alps [12]. Notably, the effect of energy balance variation on surface temperature was found to be amplified with decreasing temperature in the environment as a result of the functional shape of the Stefan-Boltzmann law [2930]. Provided that this energy balance effect is a fundamental theoretical basis on warming amplification under lower temperature rather than a partial explanation of larger temperature trends in polar and high-altitude climate [2930], because the higher the altitude (latitude), the lower the temperature [2], the magnitudes of station temperature trends across a high-elevation region will be closely related to both ALT and LAT. Furthermore, provided that there is a clear temperature gradient with longitude due to continentality, then this will remain true for LONG as well. It is based on these observations and deductions that Wang et al.[19] have developed the altitudinal warming component extraction equation (AWCE equation).

In fact, a significant negative relationship between TAVG and ALT, LAT and LONG (between TAVG and ALT and LAT) was detected for three (five) of the eight high-elevation regions tested [19]. A significant altitudinal amplification trend in TMEAN was detected in each region by extracting QALT from QTOTAL at the individual stations in each region using the AWCE equation [19]. Because the same holds good for TMIN and TMAX for the regions where a significant negative relationship exists between TAVG and ALT, LAT and LONG or between TAVG and ALT and LAT, significant altitudinal amplification trends are detected for TMIN and TMAX in four regions, consistent with the TMEAN results from these regions. In the Loess Plateau and the US Rocky Mountain regions, significant altitudinal amplification trends are detected for TMIN, whereas no altitudinal amplification trends are observed for TMAX because no ECALT, ECLAT and ECLONG are estimated for these two regions due to the small difference in daytime temperatures among the individual stations across both regions.

Quantitatively, the asymmetric altitudinal amplification trends in TMIN and TMAX are consistent with the regional temperature trends in TMIN and TMAX for all the regions, with the exception of the US Rocky Mountains (Table 2). The elevation-dependent warming in minimum temperatures on and around the Tibetan Plateau has been demonstrated by plotting the trends at individual elevation bands versus elevation in the previous studies [11, 14]. In contrast, You et al. [13] failed to substantiate altitudinal amplification trends in most temperature extreme indices derived from daily minimum and maximum temperatures in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau.

The asymmetric changes in TMIN and TMAX have been reported for a number of large regional series [3132] and for certain high-elevation regions [15, 3336]. A stronger warming for TMIN than TMAX has been observed in the Tibetan Plateau[3536], the eastern Loess Plateau [37] and the stations located in different elevation ranges in the latitudinal bands 30°N-70°N [34]. Greater warming has been observed in TMIN than TMAX in the Swiss Alps over the period1901–1992[33], whereas similar changes in the minimum and maximum temperatures have been detected in the mountainous regions of Central Europe over the period1901–1990[17]. The greater warming for TMAX than TMIN observed in this study indicates a shift from stronger warming in TMIN to stronger warming in TMAX for the Alps during 1961–2010. Moreover, McGuire et al. [15] found significant warming in TMAX but not in TMIN in the Rocky Mountain Front Range during 1953–2008. The presence of a cooling signal in TMIN along the Front Range [15] and the weaker warming for TMIN than TMAX for the entire US Rocky Mountain region observed in the current study are likely related to changes in regional and local land-use practices [15] and possible changes in atmospheric circulation [38].

In terms of the longitude effect, it is difficult to interpret the meaning of ECLONG except for the above deduction. Nevertheless, similar results are observed for TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX in the high-elevation regions tested (Table 3) when two variables (altitude and latitude) are considered instead of three variables (altitude, latitude and longitude). This indicates that the altitudinal amplification trend in a high-elevation region can be well approximated when these two basic variables are taken into account.

Why is QALT so different from QTOTAL when they are each regressed against ALT? First, this is due to QTOTALs being predominately controlled by both altitude and latitude over a high-elevation region, while QALTs are associated only with altitude, as the name suggests. Consequently, the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT can be reduced by a huge amount of noise, whereas no noise affects the correlation between QALT and ALT. Relative to the effect (signal) of the target independent variable (ALT), the effect of the non-target independent variable (LAT), as well as the interacting effect of LAT and ALT, should be considered noise in the statistical analysis. Second, the magnitude of the noise impact on the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT varies from region to region, depending on the signal intensity (SI) of QTOTAL in individual regions. According to the SI concept [28], the QTOTALSI (signal quantity per unit area) in a region is approximately proportional to the number of available stations in a region and is inversely proportional to the total area of the region. It is probably due to the very high QTOTALSI for the Loess Plateau, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and the US Rockies, but very low QTOTAL SI for the Tibetan Plateau and the Appalachian Mountains, that a significant correlation between QTOTAL and ALT is detected for the former, but not for the latter in terms of TMEAN (Table 4). The same holds true for TMIN, excepting that a positive but non-significant correlation between QTOTAL and ALT is observed for the Loess Plateau (Table 4).

Furthermore, the contrasting correlations between QTOTAL and ALT among these regions (particularly between the two sub-regions of the Tibetan Plateau) could be partly attributable to the effect of topography (the underlying feature of the available stations)on them. As revealed in a previous study [19], the underlying topography of the available stations in the Northern Tibetan Plateau (NTP) is characterized by a significant negative spatial correlation between the station altitudes and station latitudes (SCOALLA), whereas no significant negative SCOALLA occurs in the Southern Tibetan Plateau (STP); indicating that the altitude effect could be cancelled out (or overwhelmed) by the latitude effect in the NTP while not in the STP [19]. Therefore, the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT is non-significant (negatively significant) for TMEAN and TMIN (TMAX) over the NTP, while the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT is positively significant (marginally significant) for TMEAN and TMIN (TMAX) over the STP (Table 4). Owing to that, the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT for the entire Tibetan Plateau is a reflection of those two sub-regions, and the number of stations from the NTP is obviously larger than that from the STP, the correlation between QTOTAL and ALT for the entire Tibetan Plateau is closer to that of the NTP rather than the STP (Table 4).

In addition, it should be noted that although the negative SCOALLA has no direct influence on the correlation between QALT and ALT, it may more or less affect the long-term average values of TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX, and consequently the ECALT and ECLAT. This, in turn, could have affected the magnitudes of QALTs, and therefore the relationship between QALT and ALT. It is probably due to this indirect influence that the magnitudes of altitudinal amplification trends appear underestimated for the Tibetan Plateau and the Northern Tibetan Plateau relative to the Southern Tibetan Plateau (Table 2). However, the topographical effect is difficult to quantify, and this effect can only be taken as noise relative to the direct effects of altitude and latitude. Hence it is not taken into account in the quantitative estimation of QALTs.

For comparative purpose, the global base ECALT and ECLAT were also estimated for TMIN and TMAX. The base ECALT and ECLAT were computed according to the data from all the high (≥200 m above sea level) and low (<200 m above sea level) elevation stations, respectively, for either index using the same method as for TMEAN [19]. The result shows that the global base ECALT values in TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX(4.9±0.9, 5.0±1.2and 3.1±2.8 °C km-1, respectively) are smaller than the average ECALT values in TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX (5.3±0.8, 5.4±0.9 and 3.9±3.2 °C km-1, respectively) for the six high-elevation regions, and the global base ECLAT values in TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX(0.0049±0.0037, 0.0045 ±0.0028, and 0.0048 ±0.0036 °C km-1, respectively) are clearly smaller than the average ECLAT values in TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX (0.0074±0.0020, 0.0074±0.0016, and 0.0050±0.0044 °Ckm-1, respectively) for these regions. This suggests that there exists not only an enhanced ECALT but also an enhanced ECLAT in the high-elevation regions. Therefore, a greater warming usually occurs in high-elevation regions relative to their lower elevation counterparts.

The slightly greater warming in TMIN and even weaker warming in TMAX in the Alps relative to its low-lying counterpart are likely associated with the greater urban heat effect in the low-elevation area because the urban heat effect is generally greater at low-elevation sites [9, 17]. On the other hand, the unusually stronger warming in TMIN relative to TMAX over the North China Plain could have partially resulted from the unusually large urban heat effect on TMIN relative to TMAX. The urban heat effect is primarily a nocturnal phenomenon in certain places around the world [3940]. The North China Plain may be one such place. The large difference between changes in TMIN and TMAX between the East Loess Plateau and the North China Plain is also likely related to the barrier effect of the Taihang Mountains, which run from north to south in North China, forming a natural boundary between the paired regions and a physical barrier to the southeast summer monsoon in China. In fact, the trends in various precipitation indices also differ between the East Loess Plateau and the North China Plain due to this barrier effect. For instance, Fan et al. [37] observed a significant decreasing trend (-15.05mm 50-yrs-1) in annual total precipitation on wet days (PRCPTOT) over the entire Shanxi Province, whereas a non-significant trend was observed in PRCPTOT over the northern half of the North China Plain. These two regions are nearly equivalent to the East Loess Plateau and North China Plain in this study.

Considerable seasonal variations in trend magnitude have been observed [11, 14, 30, 38]. The warming amplifications in high-elevation regions may vary greatly on sub-annual scales due to changes in atmospheric circulation and local processes, such as snow albedo and water vapor feedbacks [38, 41]. An improved understanding of altitudinal amplification on sub-annual scales may have more important bearings on societal, ecological and physical systems in high-elevation regions. Therefore it is of great important to characterize the seasonal and monthly pictures of warming amplification of TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX on a global scale.


In this study, analysis of TMIN and TMAX series (1961–2010) show a significant altitudinal amplification trend in TMIN (TMAX) in six (four) of the high-elevation regions tested. The average magnitude of altitudinal amplification trends for the six high-elevation regions is substantially larger (smaller) for TMIN (TMAX) [0.306±0.086 °C km-1(0.154±0.213 °C km-1)] than TMEAN (0.230±0.073 °C km-1) in the period 1961–2010. Similar results are obtained when the effects of two variables (altitude and latitude) are considered instead of three variables (altitude, latitude and longitude). For the five paired high- and low-elevation regions available, regional amplification is detected in four high-elevation regions for TMIN and TMAX (respectively or as a whole), whereas it is only observed for TMIN in the fifth high-elevation region. Qualitatively, highly (largely) consistent results are observed for TMIN (TMAX) compared with those for TMEAN. The results for TMIN (TMAX) are basically in conformity with our expectations. These results confirm the effectiveness of the AWCE equation in quantifying altitudinal amplification trend within a high-elevation region. Future study is required to explore the seasonal and monthly patterns of warming amplification trends in TMEAN, TMIN and TMAX on a global scale.


We are very thankful to Dr. Roger Gifford (CSIRO) for insightful comments on the manuscript.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: XF QW MW. Performed the experiments: XF QW MW. Analyzed the data: XF QW MW CVJ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: XF QW CVJ. Wrote the paper: XF QW MW CVJ.


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