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Correction: Recollection-Based Retrieval Is Influenced by Contextual Variation at Encoding but Not at Retrieval

  • Eyal Rosenstreich,
  • Yonatan Goshen-Gottstein
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The equations in the Experiment 1 section under the subheading “Results and Discussion” are incorrect. The first three paragraphs of that section, containing the corrected equations, are as follows:

We present the data corrected for the estimates of recollection and familiarity: We first calculated, for each participant, the proportion of Remember (R) and Know (K) responses by dividing a given response by the total number of non-guess responses, that is, by the total number of responses excluding guess responses. To illustrate, given that each experimental condition contained 20 items, the R proportion was calculated as: where R and G are the raw number of R and G responses. The subtraction of G responses from the total number of trials was performed after post-test debriefing revealed that G responses were mainly due to experimental noise. For example, participants typically responded with G when they pressed the "old" button by mistake, or when they could not decide when an item was old or new. Overall G rates were very small (M = .016, SD = .035 in the encoding-manipulation block; M = .038, SD = .071 in the retrieval-manipulation block), and were equally distributed over the experimental conditions (t(47) = 0.275, p = .785 in the encoding-manipulation block; F(3,141) = 0.828, p = .480 in the retrieval-manipulation block) (cf., [46]).

Thus, given that each experimental condition contained 20 items, Proportion Rs and Ks were calculated as: where R, K and G are the raw frequencies of R, K and G responses, respectively.

Then, R and K proportions were applied to the correction for the estimates of recollection and familiarity according to Yonelinas and Jacoby's correction formulas [47] [48]. Recollection was estimated by the R proportion: Recollection = P(R) and familiarity was estimated by:

The raw proportions of R and K responses are presented in S1 Table. Effect sizes throughout the article were calculated as Cohen's d.


  1. 1. Rosenstreich E, Goshen-Gottstein Y (2015) Recollection-Based Retrieval Is Influenced by Contextual Variation at Encoding but Not at Retrieval. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0130403. pmid:26135583