TCGA breast cancer data analysis

Boris Vassilev; Elina Ikonen

2016-05-27 13:39:36 UTC

Input data

For all breast cancer patients, we have genome-wide amplification and transcript level data. Patients and samples are identified by their TCGA “barcodes”. There is relevant meta-data embedded in these barcodes.

Genes are identified by their Enseml Gene IDs.

Amplification and transcript levels

Our collaborator Riku Louhimo has pre-processed the genome-wide data available from TCGA for all breast cancer samples and provided two sets of data. Both sets have one gene on every row, with each field representing one sample.

The first set contains DNA amplification calls: a matrix of 1 (Amplified), 0 (Not amplified), or NA (Not available). The other set contains mRNA transcript levels, a matrix of floating-point values or NA (Not available).

S1: raw/ampl.tsv
S2: raw/mrna.tsv

Both files are quite large, as seen in the :listing rawdata.size.

Here is what Riku had to say about the data:

Copy numbers are measured with Affy 6.0 SNP Arrays. Probes are genotyped, copy-number values are estimated and normalized to 2 with CRLMM. Copy-number data are segmented with the circular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm using the R package DNAcopy (parameters undo.splits=sdundo, SD=3, alpha=0.01). Copy-number calls (1: amplification, 0: normal, −1: deletion) are made similarly to TCGA: in short, by assigning 1 to CNA regions with segment mean >2.3 and −1 to regions with segment mean <1.7.

In the copy-number-call-matrix you have, NA (not available) values occur in genes for which copy-number is normal, unnchanged, or diploid in all samples. In the gene expression matrix, Agilent arrays contain control fields which denote several types of array or scanner errors and quality measures. NA-values in this matrix are therefore a result of the Agilent scanner giving a bad quality flag to a probe which we than convert to NA.

A couple of things to note:

For both files, the rows are labelled with Ensembl IDs for each gene and the columns are labelled with TCGA barcodes representing patients or samples. The results of the query:

Listing 1: rawdata.size
21M	raw/ampl.tsv
187M	raw/mrna.tsv
207M	total
Raw data file sizes. The sizes of each of the raw data files, in a human-readable format.

C1: ⟪:make
root chunk

definition continued in C2 + C15 + C16 + C19 + C22 + C47 + C60 + C61 + C62 + C63 + C64 + C75 + C77 + C82 + C87 + C89 + C90 + C97

rawdata.size: raw/ampl.tsv raw/mrna.tsv
	du --dereference --human-readable --total $^ > $@


Since both files are quite big, and saved in a plain text, it is prohibitively expensive to load them. To avoid this, we load them once from R and save the data as a native R object that is both smaller and much faster to load.

Listing 2: input-data.Rsave.size
82M	input-data.Rsave
Size of the native R data object. Once a tab-separated plain-text data matrix has been loaded and saved as a native R object, it becomes much smaller.

C2: ⟪:make

input-data.Rsave.size: input-data.Rsave
	du --human-readable $^ > $@


To keep the intermediate data object, we declare it as SECONDARY in the Makefile.

C3: ⟪:make The R saved state
root chunk

.SECONDARY: input-data.Rsave
input-data.Rsave: input-data.R \
                  ampl.rownames \
                  ampl.colnames \
                  ampl.vals \
                  mrna.rownames \
                  mrna.colnames \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@

The script that reads the plain text data matrices and saves them to native R objects. It takes the names of all files as command line arguments.

C4: ⟪input-data.R
root chunk

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
names(args) <- c("ampl.rownames",

Load the amplification matrix
Load the mRNA matrix

save(ampl, mrna, file=args["save.file"])

Here, the second line makes all NA values 0 (no amplification). The third one makes the amplification a truth value: FALSE for basal level and TRUE for amplification of the gene.

C5: ⟪Load the amplification matrix
Appears in C4

ampl <- scan(file=args["ampl.vals"], what=integer())
ampl[] <- 0
ampl <- as.logical(ampl)
ampl.rownames <- scan(file=args["ampl.rownames"], what=character())
ampl.colnames <- scan(file=args["ampl.colnames"], what=character())

ampl <- matrix(ampl,
               nrow=length(ampl.rownames), ncol=length(ampl.colnames),
               dimnames=list(ampl.rownames, ampl.colnames),

C6: ⟪Load the mRNA matrix
Appears in C4

mrna <- scan(file=args["mrna.vals"], what=numeric())
mrna.rownames <- scan(file=args["mrna.rownames"], what=character())
mrna.colnames <- scan(file=args["mrna.colnames"], what=character())

mrna <- matrix(mrna,
               nrow=length(mrna.rownames), ncol=length(mrna.colnames),
               dimnames=list(mrna.rownames, mrna.colnames),

C7: ⟪:make Matrix values and row and column labels
root chunk

%.vals: get-vals.bash raw/%.tsv
	bash $^ > $@

%.rownames: get-rownames.bash raw/%.tsv
	bash $^ > $@

%.colnames: get-colnames.bash raw/%.tsv
	bash $^ > $@

C8: ⟪get-vals.bash
root chunk

< "$1" Drop first row | Drop first column

C9: ⟪get-rownames.bash
root chunk

< "$1" Drop first row | Get first column

C10: ⟪get-colnames.bash
root chunk

< "$1" Get first row | Drop first column

C11: ⟪Drop first row
Appears in C8, C9, C62, C63, C65, C89

sed -n '2~1p'

C12: ⟪Get first row
Appears in C10, C60, C61, C87

sed '1q'

C13: ⟪Drop first column
Appears in C8, C10, C65

cut --complement --fields=1

C14: ⟪Get first column
Appears in C9, C15

cut --fields=1

Mapping gene IDs to names

All genes are identified by their Ensembl IDs. It would be convenient to be able to select genes based on the canonical names of their protein products. To do that, we donwloaded a table that maps Ensembl gene IDs to a short description of the gene and the associated gene name. This was done using the “Customize your download” feature on the Ensembl downloads page, with the following settings:

Database: “Ensembl Genes 77”;

Dataset: “Homo sapiens genes (GRCh38)”;

Filters: “with HGNC ID(s): Only”;

Attributes: “Ensembl Gene ID”, “Description”, and “Associated Gene Name”.

The results of the query were downloaded as a tab-separated (TSV) file with a header and saved as:

S3: ensembl/id_descr_name.tsv

Already we can check if any of the gene IDs in either of the two data matrices is not in this list.

Listing 3: mystery-counts
 1729 mystery-genes-ampl
 1815 mystery-genes-mrna
 3544 total
Number of genes without names. There are quite a few genes without names; about 10% of the total.

C15: ⟪:make

mystery-counts: mystery-genes-ampl mystery-genes-mrna
	wc --lines $^ > $@

mystery-genes-%: sorted-genes-% sorted-genes-known
	comm -2 -3 $^ > $@

sorted-genes-%: %.rownames
	sort --unique $^ > $@

sorted-genes-known: ensembl/id_descr_name.tsv
	Get first column $< | sort --unique > $@


We can already do a sanity check of the data. We will compare two genes that we know should be co-amplified in almost all samples, and correlate very well on the transcript level: ERBB2 and STARD3. We would have to find their IDs from the file ensembl/id_descr_name.tsv, and use these IDs to pick out the amplification and mRNA data from the saved R data object input-data.Rsave. This would be an informal validation of all work so far.

Figure 1: sanity-check.svg
Sanity check. As expected, STARD3 and ERBB2 are almost always co-amplified and their transcript levels correlate very strongly.

C16: ⟪:make

sanity-check.ids: sanity-check.bash ensembl/id_descr_name.tsv
	bash $^ > $@


C17: ⟪sanity-check.bash
root chunk

awk -v name='^STARD3$' 'ID from name .awk' "$1"
awk -v name='^ERBB2$' 'ID from name .awk' "$1"

C18: ⟪ID from name .awk
Appears in C17

BEGIN { FS = "\t"; OFS = "\t" }
$3 ~ name {
    print $3, $1

C19: ⟪:make

sanity-check.svg: sanity-check.R input-data.Rsave sanity-check.ids
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@


C20: ⟪sanity-check.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("save.file", "ids.file", "fig.file")
Read and name R command line arguments

ids.table <- read.delim(args["ids.file"], header=F, row.names=1) <- as.character(ids.table[,1])
names( <- rownames(ids.table)


ampl[["STARD3"],] -> stard3.ampl
mrna[["STARD3"],] -> stard3.mrna
ampl[["ERBB2"],] -> erbb2.ampl
mrna[["ERBB2"],] -> erbb2.mrna

chisq.test(erbb2.ampl, stard3.ampl) -> chisq.test.result

svg(filename=args["fig.file"], width=7, height=4.7, pointsize=11)
layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2, byrow=T),

# amplification
ampl.c <- hcl(c(140,320), l=80)
barplot(t(chisq.test.result$observed), beside=T, col=ampl.c,
        xlab="ERBB2 ampl",
        ylab="number of patients")
       title="STARD3 ampl",
       legend=c("FALSE", "TRUE"),
       fill=ampl.c, border=ampl.c,

# mRNA
plot(erbb2.mrna, stard3.mrna,
     xlab="ERBB2 mRNA level", ylab="STARD3 mRNA level",
     bty="n") -> foo

C21: ⟪Read and name R command line arguments
Appears in C20, C49, C52, C76, C78, C83, C94, C98, C100

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=T)
names(args) <- args.names

Meta data: TCGA, Ensembl

We will use a relational database to keep and query the TCGA meta data.

Listing 4: tcga.db.schema
CREATE TABLE patient_survival (
  "Barcode" TEXT,
  "Event" TEXT,
  "Days" INTEGER
  mirna TEXT,
  gene TEXT,
  refseqid TEXT,
CREATE TABLE ampl_rownames(
  "Ensembl Gene ID" TEXT
CREATE TABLE mrna_rownames(
  "Ensembl Gene ID" TEXT
CREATE TABLE portion_analyte(
  "Code" TEXT,
  "Definition" TEXT
CREATE TABLE sample_type(
  "Code" TEXT,
  "Definition" TEXT,
  "Short Letter Code" TEXT
CREATE TABLE tissue_source_site(
  "TSS Code" TEXT,
  "Source Site" TEXT,
  "Study Name" TEXT,
CREATE TABLE id_descr_name(
  "Ensembl Gene ID" TEXT,
  "Description" TEXT,
  "Associated Gene Name" TEXT
CREATE TABLE ampl_cols(
  "Barcode" TEXT,
  "TSS Code" TEXT,
  "Patient" TEXT
CREATE TABLE mrna_cols(
  "Barcode" TEXT,
  "TSS Code" TEXT,
  "Patient" TEXT,
  "Sample" TEXT,
  "Vial" TEXT,
  "Portion" TEXT,
  "Analyte" TEXT
The complete schema so far.

This is the complete schema for the database, generated automatically from the database file.

C22: ⟪:make

tcga.db.schema: tcga.db
	echo '.schema' | sqlite3 $< > $@


To insert tables in to the database, we directly import tab-separated files with headers to a table named as the file, with the .tsv extension stripped. This uses a useful command of the SQLite shell, .import. When the table with that name has not been defined yet, the header line in the imported file is used.

C23: ⟪create-table.bash
root chunk

NAME=$(basename --suffix=.tsv "$1")
echo '.separator "\t"'
echo ".import '$1' $NAME"

This defines an implicit rule that generates the SQL code for inserting a table, using create-table.bash defined above, if the appropriate .tsv file exists.

C24: ⟪:make Implicit rule for SQL tables from files with headers
root chunk

%.create-table.sql: create-table.bash %.tsv
	bash $^ > $@

This is the rule that builds and updates the database. Note that only changes will be applied to the database.

C25: ⟪:make Populate the relational database
root chunk

	cat $? | sqlite3 $@

In the amplification data matrix, column labels denote patients. In the transcript level matrix, column labels denote samples. Both patients and samples are labeled by a TCGA barcode. Those barcodes contain meta-information: for example, using the barcode, we can separate solid tumor samples from healthy tissue control samples in the transcript level data matrix.

The different identifiers within a barcode are described in “code table reports” available for download. The following three code table reports are relevant for us:

S4: tcga/portion_analyte.tsv
S5: tcga/sample_type.tsv
S6: tcga/tissue_source_site.tsv

C26: ⟪:make Code table reports to the database
root chunk

tcgatables := $(patsubst %.tsv,%.create-table.sql,$(wildcard tcga/*.tsv))
tcga.db: $(tcgatables)

Which are the “tumor” samples?

C27: ⟪tumors.query.sql
root chunk

SELECT * FROM sample_type
WHERE "Definition" LIKE '%tumor%';
Table 1: tumors.sql-result
Code Definition Short Letter Code
01 Primary solid Tumor TP
02 Recurrent Solid Tumor TR
08 Human Tumor Original Cells THOC
Tumor sample types. We are most interested in the type “Primary solid Tumor”.

C28: ⟪:make Run a query on the relational database
root chunk

%.sql-result: tcga.db sql-result.bash %.query.sql
	bash sql-result.bash $*.query.sql \
	    | sqlite3 tcga.db \
	    > $@

A script that runs a query so that the results are returned as an HTML table with headers.

C29: ⟪sql-result.bash
root chunk

echo '.mode html'
echo '.headers on'
cat "$1"

All that is left is to link the barcodes used in the two data matrices to these tables. To do that, we use two tables that have the complete barcode as a unique identifier, and the fields of the barcode as the rest of the columns.

The amplification matrix uses “Patient” barcodes as column labels.

C30: ⟪ampl.colnames.awk
root chunk

    FS = "-"; OFS = "\t"
    print "Barcode", "TSS Code", "Patient"
{ print $0, $2, $3 }

The transcript level matrix uses “Analyte” barcodes as column labels.

C31: ⟪mrna.colnames.awk
root chunk

    FS = "-"; OFS = "\t"
    print "Barcode", "TSS Code", "Patient",
          "Sample", "Vial", "Portion", "Analyte"
    sample_type = substr($4, 1, 2);
    vial = substr($4, 3, 1);
    portion = substr($5, 1, 2);
    analyte = substr($5, 3, 1);
    print $0, $2, $3,
          sample_type, vial, portion, analyte;

C32: ⟪:make Matrix column labels to files
root chunk

%_cols.tsv: %.colnames %.colnames.awk
	< $*.colnames Tab-separated fields to lines  \
	    | awk -f $*.colnames.awk \
	    > $@

C33: ⟪Tab-separated fields to lines
Appears in C32, C61, C65, C87

tr "\t" "\n"

C34: ⟪:make Matrix column label files to the database
root chunk

tcga.db: ampl_cols.create-table.sql mrna_cols.create-table.sql

What kinds of samples are there in the transcript level matrix?

C35: ⟪samples.query.sql
root chunk

  count("Sample") as n,
FROM mrna_cols
  INNER JOIN sample_type
    ON mrna_cols."Sample" = sample_type."Code"
GROUP BY "Definition"
Table 2: samples.sql-result
n Definition
524 Primary solid Tumor
59 Solid Tissue Normal
Sample types in transcript levels matrix. Most of the samples are from tumors, but some have associated normal tissue controls.

C36: ⟪patients-in-mrna.query.sql
root chunk

SELECT count(*) as "Number of patients" FROM (
  SELECT DISTINCT "TSS Code", "Patient"
  FROM mrna_cols
Number of patients
Number of unique patients.

C37: ⟪patients-with-control.query.sql
root chunk

SELECT count(*) AS n FROM (
  SELECT x."TSS Code", x."Patient"
  FROM mrna_cols AS x
    INNER JOIN mrna_cols AS y
      ON x."TSS Code" = y."TSS Code"
        AND x."Patient" = y."Patient"
        AND x."Sample" < y."Sample"
Number of patients with control sample. This counts all patients that have both tumor and normal solid tissue sample in the transcript level matrix.

How many are the patients from the amplification matrix for which we have tumor samples in the transcript level matrix?

C38: ⟪patients-tumors.query.sql
root chunk

SELECT count(*) AS 'Cancer patient count'
FROM ( ampl-mrna.fragment.sql );

This SQL query fragment creates a with two columns. In the ampl column will be the patient barcodes, and in the mrna column the solid tumor sample barcodes of the same patients.

C39: ⟪ampl-mrna.fragment.sql
Appears in C38, C48, C72, C73

  ampl_cols."Barcode" AS ampl,
  mrna_cols."Barcode" AS mrna
FROM ampl_cols
  INNER JOIN mrna_cols
    USING ("TSS Code", "Patient")
  INNER JOIN sample_type
    ON mrna_cols."Sample" = sample_type."Code"
WHERE sample_type."Definition" = 'Primary solid Tumor'
Cancer patient count
Useful number of patients. These are the patients that have an amplification status, and a transcript level from a solid tumor sample.

Finally, for convenience, we add the Ensembl ID to Gene name mapping downloaded from Ensembl to the database, too. Even though we are able to query this file with the help of Awk and Bash, as demonstrated by sanity-check.bash and ID from name .awk, it is unnecessarily hacky.

C40: ⟪:make Ensembl IDs and names to the database
root chunk

tcga.db: ensembl/id_descr_name.create-table.sql

Now, to get the Ensembl IDs of genes, it is enough to say:

C41: ⟪erbb2-stard3-ids.query.sql
root chunk

  "Associated Gene Name",
  "Ensembl Gene ID"
FROM id_descr_name
WHERE "Associated Gene Name" IN ( 'ERBB2', 'STARD3' );
Associated Gene Name Ensembl Gene ID
STARD3 ENSG00000131748
ERBB2 ENSG00000141736
Ensembl IDs of ERBB2 and STARD3.

Note that the queries above double as an informal validation for the database.

Gene association

We will try to find a correlation of the amplification status or the transcript levels between pairs of this set of genes:

C42: ⟪Genes of interest
Appears in C43, C44


Pairs of genes

To generate the pairs of genes, we could say:

C43: ⟪:dummy Generate pairs
root chunk

list = { Genes of interest };
for (i = 0; i < length(list); ++i)
    for (j = i+1; j < length(list); ++j)
        compare(list[i], list[j]);

However, we can achieve the same, and more, with SQL:

C44: ⟪genes-of-interest-pairs.query.sql
root chunk

  x."Associated Gene Name" AS name1,
  y."Associated Gene Name" AS name2,
  x."Ensembl Gene ID" AS id1,
  y."Ensembl Gene ID" AS id2
FROM id_descr_name AS x, id_descr_name AS y
WHERE name1 IN ( Genes of interest )
  AND name2 IN ( Genes of interest )
  AND name1 < name2
ORDER BY name1;

This implicit rule keeps the headers, so the resulting *.tsv-result file can be loaded from R using read.delim with the default parameters.

C45: ⟪:make Results of a query to a file
root chunk

%.tsv-result: tcga.db sql-tsv.bash %.query.sql
	bash sql-tsv.bash $*.query.sql \
	    | sqlite3 tcga.db \
	    > $@

This is the bash script that sets the mode and turns on the headers.

C46: ⟪sql-tsv.bash
root chunk

echo '.mode tabs'
echo '.headers on'
cat "$1"

Association results

Now, using this, we can read this file from R and use it to extract the relevant genes (rows) from the amplification status and transcript level matrices.

C47: ⟪:make

genes-of-interest.Rsave: genes-of-interest.R \
                         genes-of-interest-pairs.tsv-result \
                         columns-of-interest.tsv-result \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@

fig.genes-of-interest.%: plot-genes-of-interest.R \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@ $*


C48: ⟪columns-of-interest.query.sql
root chunk


To summarize some of the useful information in this subset of the data, we perform a χ2 test on the amplification status from both genes, and a Pearson’s correlation test on the transcript levels from both genes.

C49: ⟪genes-of-interest.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("from.file", "cols.file", "save.file", "result.file")
Read and name R command line arguments
Load genes of interest data from files
Keep only the overlapping columns

correlation <- function(x) {
    n1 <- x[1]
    n2 <- x[2]
    a1 <- ampl[x[3],]
    a2 <- ampl[x[4],]
    t1 <- mrna[x[3],]
    t2 <- mrna[x[4],]

    chisq.test(a1, a2) -> chisq.r

    Color mRNA scatter plot R function
    scatter.plot.col(a1, a2) -> mrna.colors
    cor.test(t1, t2, method="pearson") -> cor.r

    list(name.a=n1, name.b=n2,
         transcript.a=t1, transcript.b=t2,

apply(pairs, 1, correlation) -> result
save(result, file=args["result.file"])
Result 1: fig.genes-of-interest.pdf

The results for all possible pairs. The first two plots, a positive control. STARD3 and ERBB2 are on the same amplicon and are known to be co-amplified and co-overexpressed in breast canser patient samples.

There is no correlation between NRDG1 and STARD3. They are not co-amplified and the transcript levels do not correlate.

LAPTM4B and STARD3 are not co-amplified. On the transcript level however there is a moderate positive correlation between the two.

LAPTM4B is co-amplified with NDRG1. This is reflected in the correlation of the transcript levels of the two genes.

C50: ⟪Load genes of interest data from files
Appears in C49

as.matrix(read.delim(args["from.file"])) -> pairs
as.matrix(read.delim(args["cols.file"])) -> cols

C51: ⟪Keep only the overlapping columns
Appears in C49, C94

ampl <- ampl[,cols[,"ampl"]]
mrna <- mrna[,cols[,"mrna"]]

Plotting the results

The names are used to label the axes. The transcript levels are used for the scatter plot. The generated colors for the scatter plot were generated above. This uses the list of values to draw summary plots.

C52: ⟪plot-genes-of-interest.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("result.file", "fig.file", "format")
Read and name R command line arguments

Open graphics device R function
r <- length(result)
            width=5.6, height=r*3.8,
Define layout for correlation plots R function

Draw correlation plots R function
lapply(result, draw.cor.plots) -> foo -> foo

Unfortunately, I could not figure out an easy way to choose the graphics device at run-time. Instead, I am using this hack to open the correct device based on a character argument:

C53: ⟪Open graphics device R function
Appears in C52, C78, C83, C100

open.device <- function(format, ...) {
    if (format == "pdf") {
    } else if (format == "svg") {

This defines a layout with as many rows as items in the result variable, and splits each row in two columns.

C54: ⟪Define layout for correlation plots R function
Appears in C52, C100

cor.plots.layout <- function(r) {
    layout(matrix(1:(2*r), nrow=r, ncol=2, byrow=T),
           heights=rep(1, r))

When below a limit, display numerical value differently.

C55: ⟪Generate a subtitle
Appears in C56

make.subtitle.str <- function(str, limit, prec, x) {
    if (x < limit) {
        subtitle.str <- paste(str, "<", limit)
    } else {
        subtitle.str <- paste(str, "=", round(x, prec))

C56: ⟪Draw correlation plots R function
Appears in C52, C100

draw.cor.plots <- function(x) {
    Generate a subtitle
    ampl.col <- hcl(c(150,330), l=67)
    Draw a barplot to visualize amplification status correlation
    Draw a scatter plot to visualize transcript level correlation

This uses the observed 2 × 2 contingency table from the χ2 test to plot each value as a bar height.

C57: ⟪Draw a barplot to visualize amplification status correlation
Appears in C56

subtitle.str <- make.subtitle.str("p-val", 0.005, 3, x$chisq.result$p.value)
cont.table <- t(x$chisq.result$observed)
foo <- c("basal", "amplified")
dimnames(cont.table) <- list(foo, foo)

barplot(cont.table, beside=T,
        ylab="number of patients")

       fill=ampl.col, border=ampl.col,

C58: ⟪Draw a scatter plot to visualize transcript level correlation
Appears in C56

subtitle.str <- make.subtitle.str("cor", 0.1, 2, x$pearson.estimate)
plot(x$transcript.a, x$transcript.b,
     main=paste("Transcipt levels"),
     xlab=x$name.a, ylab=x$name.b,

    title = "Amplification",
    legend = c("amplified", "basal", "different"),
    pch = c(1, 1, 1),
    col=c("darkred", "darkblue", "olivedrab"),
    bty = "n")

In addition to using the actual transcript levels from the two patients, it also uses the amplification status for each patient to draw the circle in blue (both negative), red (both positive), or green (different). This implementation works because the amplification statuses of both genes are represented as logical vectors, and we know that all NA’s have been substituted with FALSE. When used in ordinary arithmetic, logical vectors are coerced into numeric vectors, with FALSE = 0 and TRUE = 1.

C59: ⟪Color mRNA scatter plot R function
Appears in C49, C100

scatter.plot.col <- function(a1, a2) {
    c("darkblue", "olivedrab", "darkred")[1+a1+a2]


The next question is whether there is a correlation between gene amplification and transcription levels and patient survival.

Clinical patient data

The data on patient survival is extracted from a table with many cliniclal parameters.

S7: clinical/clinical_patient_all_brca.txt
Number of columns. Each column in this matrix is one clinical parameter of that patient. The majority are not interesting at this stage.

C60: ⟪:make

clinical-column-number: clinical/clinical_patient_all_brca.txt
	< $< Get first row | wc --words > $@


Which could be the relevant rows? Time is likely to be measured in days or months.

Columns that could be relevant. We need the days to death (25), and last followup (27) or last known alivem (28), whichever is longer.

C61: ⟪:make

clinical-relevant-columns: clinical/clinical_patient_all_brca.txt
	< $< Get first row \
	    | Tab-separated fields to lines \
	    | grep --line-number 'days\|months' \
	    > $@


Extract the relevant columns only: Patient barcode (1), and days to death (25), to last followup (27), and to last known alive (28).

C62: ⟪:make

patient-days: clinical/clinical_patient_all_brca.txt
	< $^ Drop first row | cut --fields=1,25,27,28 > $@


Note that column 26, “Days to initial pathologic diagnosis”, has a value of 0 for every one of the 863 patients:

Listing 7: days-to-initial
    863 0
A useless column.

C63: ⟪:make

days-to-initial: clinical/clinical_patient_all_brca.txt
	Drop first row $< | cut --fields=26 | sort | uniq -c > $@


Are there field values that are not numbers? Which are they? How many of each?

Listing 8: patient-days-nans
   1706 [Not Available]
Field values that are not numbers. There is only one value that is not a number: the string “[Not Available]”.

C64: ⟪:make

patient-days-nans: patient-days
	bash $^ > $@


C65: ⟪
root chunk

Drop first row "$1" \
    | Drop first column \
    | Tab-separated fields to lines \
    | sed -n '/^[0-9.]\+$/!p' \
    | sort \
    | uniq --count

C66: ⟪:make Normalized patient survival file
root chunk

patient_survival.rows-tsv: patient_survival.awk patient-days
	awk -f $^ > $@

To prepare this table for the database, we normalize it first. This means that there will be one record in the database for each Patient-Value combination. All “[Not Available]” values will be skipped.

C67: ⟪patient_survival.awk
root chunk

    FS = "\t" ; OFS = "\t"
    col[2] = "Death"
    col[3] = "Last followup"
    col[4] = "Last known alive"
    for (i = 2; i <= 4; ++i) {
        if ($i != "[Not Available]") {
            print $1, col[i], $i

The normalized table is inserted to the relational database.

C68: ⟪:make Patient survival to the database
root chunk

tcga.db: patient_survival.define-insert-table.sql

Because the last column in the database is a number, it is better to manually define the schema for the table that is going to hold this data.

C69: ⟪patient_survival.schema.sql
root chunk

CREATE TABLE patient_survival (
  "Barcode" TEXT,
  "Event" TEXT,
  "Days" INTEGER

C70: ⟪:make Implicit rule for SQL tables with an explicit schema
root chunk

%.define-insert-table.sql: define-insert-table.bash %.schema.sql %.rows-tsv
	bash $^ > $@

In addition to create-table.bash, this script takes an explicitly defined schema.

C71: ⟪define-insert-table.bash
root chunk

NAME=$(basename --suffix=.schema.sql "$1")
cat "$1"
echo '.separator "\t"'
echo ".import '$2' $NAME"

Long-term survival

We already know from :table patients-tumors.sql-result that there are 516 patients for whom we have both amplification and transcript level data. Now we can ask, for how many of them do we have an event (patient dies) within the first 5 years?

C72: ⟪five-year-events.query.sql
root chunk

WITH ampl_mrna AS ( ampl-mrna.fragment.sql )
SELECT count(*) AS "Number of events"
FROM patient_survival
  INNER JOIN ampl_mrna
    ON ampl_mrna.ampl = "Barcode"
WHERE "Event" = 'Death'
  AND "Days" < 365*5;
Number of events
Number of events within the first 5 years.

And finally, we need a table that we can use to do the survival statistics in R. For the survival statistics, we need at the very least a table with two columns: one with the follow-up times, and one with the status indicator with 0 for alive and 1 for dead. We also will need the patient barcodes for the amplification dataset and the sample barcode for the transcript level dataset.

C73: ⟪survival-table.query.sql
root chunk

  ampl_mrna AS ( ampl-mrna.fragment.sql ),
  patient_event_time AS (
      "Barcode" AS barcode,
      "Event" AS event,
      MAX("Days"/365.25) AS years
    FROM patient_survival
    GROUP BY barcode
  ampl AS ampl_patient,
  mrna AS mrna_sample,
    WHEN event = 'Death' AND years <= 5 THEN 1
    WHEN event <> 'Death' OR years > 5 THEN 0
  END AS status,
    WHEN years <= 5 THEN years
    ELSE 5
  END AS time
FROM patient_event_time
  INNER JOIN ampl_mrna ON ampl_patient = barcode;

And, of course, the IDs of the genes we are interested in:

C74: ⟪survival-genes.query.sql
root chunk

  "Associated Gene Name" AS name,
  "Ensembl Gene ID" AS id
FROM id_descr_name

In order to avoid loading the complete data matrices multiple times, we will load them once and save only the four genes of interest, and only the columns we need.

C75: ⟪:make

survival-genes.Rsave: survival-genes.R \
                      input-data.Rsave \
                      survival-table.tsv-result \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@


C76: ⟪survival-genes.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("input.file",
Read and name R command line arguments

read.delim(args["clinical.file"]) -> clinical
as.character(ampl_patient) -> ampl.patient
as.character(mrna_sample) -> mrna.sample

ampl[,ampl.patient] -> ampl
mrna[,mrna.sample] -> mrna

as.matrix(read.delim(args["genes.file"])) -> genes

ampl.survival <- ampl[genes[,"id"],]
rownames(ampl.survival) <- genes[,"name"]
mrna.survival <- mrna[genes[,"id"],]
rownames(mrna.survival) <- genes[,"name"]

save(status, time, ampl.survival, mrna.survival, file=args["save.file"])
Result 2: survival-genes.Rsave

Effects on long-term patient survival

Now we determine the correlation between the amplification status, transcipt levels, and patient survival. First, we split patients in two groups. For the amplification data, the two groups are “basal” and “amplified”. For the transcript level data, the two groups are simply levels below and above the median within this gene.

C77: ⟪:make

%-survival-curve.svg: survival-curve.R survival-genes.Rsave
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $* $@ svg

%-survival-curve.pdf: survival-curve.R survival-genes.Rsave
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $* $@ pdf

Survival curve for SERPINA1. SERPINA1 amplification status and transcript levels are positively correlated with patient survival, as reported previously.
Survival curve for STARD3.
Survival curve for NDRG1. NDRG1 amplification and upregulation of transcript levels both have a weak negative effect on breast cancer patient survival.
Survival curve for LAPTM4B. LAPTM4B amplification has a statistically significant effect on the survival of breast cancer patients. Transcript levels upregulation exhibits a similar tendency, but the difference is not statistically significant.
Result 3: SERPINA1-survival-curve.pdf
Result 4: NDRG1-survival-curve.pdf
Result 5: LAPTM4B-survival-curve.pdf

C78: ⟪survival-curve.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("save.file", "", "fig.file", "format")
Read and name R command line arguments
Load survival saved state
Survival statistics

Open graphics device R function
            args["fig.file"], width=8, height=4.4, pointsize=11)
Plot survival R function
plot.survival(list(fit=survfit.ampl, diff=survdiff.ampl),
              title.text=paste(gn, "amplification"),
              legend.text=c("basal", "amplified"))
plot.survival(list(fit=survfit.mrna, diff=survdiff.mrna),
              main.text="Transcript levels",
              title.text=paste(gn, "transcript"),
              legend.text=c("below median", "above median")) -> foo

C79: ⟪Load survival saved state
Appears in C78

args[""] -> gn
ampl.survival[gn,] -> ampl
mrna.survival[gn,] -> mrna

The survival statistics are done with the help of library(survival).

C80: ⟪Survival statistics
Appears in C78

mrna > median(mrna) -> mrna.high


Surv(time, status) -> so
survfit(so ~ ampl) -> survfit.ampl
survdiff(so ~ ampl) -> survdiff.ampl
survfit(so ~ mrna > median(mrna, na.rm=T)) -> survfit.mrna
survdiff(so ~ mrna > median(mrna, na.rm=T)) -> survdiff.mrna

The p-value is calculated from the χ2 test statistic with one degree of freedom (this is always the case, since we always have two groups, and both have patients in them). A table with the “numbers at risk” is added to directly to the plot.

C81: ⟪Plot survival R function
Appears in C78, C83

plot.survival <- function(x, main.text, title.text, legend.text) {
    pval <- 1 - pchisq(x$diff$chisq, 1)
    cols <- c("darkblue", "darkred")
         ylab="Survival", xlab="Years",
         xlim=c(-0.4,5.3), ylim=c(0.5,1),
           legend=paste("p=", signif(pval, digits=2), sep=""))
    text(x=-0.3, y=0.71, labels="Numbers at risk", pos=4, offset=0)
         y=rep(c(0.67,0.63), each=6),
         col=rep(cols, each=6),
         labels=summary(x$fit, times=0:5)$n.risk)

Is there an additive (negative) effect of LAPTM4B and NDRG1 on patient survival?

C82: ⟪:make

%-survival-curve-combined.svg: survival-curve-combined.R \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $* $@ svg

%-survival-curve-combined.pdf: survival-curve-combined.R \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $* $@ pdf

Combined effect of NDRG1 and LAPTM4B on survival. On the left hand side the patients are separated in two groups: in the group “both high” (in red), the transcript levels for both patients are above median. In the other group, “different” (in blue), are all other patients. On the right hand side, patients with different mRNA expression levels for the two trancripts were removed from the data set. In the “high” group (in red) are the patients with both transcript levels high, while in the “low” group (in blue) are the patients that have both transcript levels low.
Result 6: NDRG1-LAPTM4B-survival-curve-combined.pdf

C83: ⟪survival-curve-combined.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("save.file", "gene1.gene2.names", "fig.file", "format")
Read and name R command line arguments
Names and transcript levels of the two genes
apply(mrna, 1, median, na.rm=T) -> mrna.median
mrna > mrna.median -> is.high
apply(is.high, 2, all) -> both.high

Patient survival: both high vs. different -> high.different
Patient survival: both high vs. both low -> high.low

Open graphics device R function
            args["fig.file"], width=8, height=4.4, pointsize=11)
Plot survival R function
              main.text="Different vs. High",
              legend.text=c("different", "both high"))
              main.text="Low vs. High",
              legend.text=c("both low", "both high")) -> foo

C84: ⟪Names and transcript levels of the two genes
Appears in C83

         split="-", fixed=T)[[1]] -> gene.names
mrna.survival[gene.names,] -> mrna

C85: ⟪Patient survival: both high vs. different
Appears in C83

Surv(time, status) -> so
list(fit=survfit(so ~ both.high), diff=survdiff(so ~ both.high))

C86: ⟪Patient survival: both high vs. both low
Appears in C83

mrna < mrna.median -> is.low
apply(is.low, 2, all) -> both.low
both.high | both.low -> filtered
time[filtered] -> time.f
status[filtered] -> status.f
both.high[filtered] -> both.high.f

Surv(time.f, status.f) -> so.f
list(fit=survfit(so.f ~ both.high.f), diff=survdiff(so.f ~ both.high.f))

Protein complexes regulated by micro-RNA

Is there a correlation between the predicted targets of the same miRNA? This question is motivated by the known phenomenon of miRNA targetting a complex of functionally related proteins. The predicted targets are collected using a short-list of experimentally validated micro-RNAs. Then, these predicted targets for each gene are correlated to the gene using the available mRNA levels from patient solid tumors.

Micro-RNAs and predicted targets

To answer this question, we will try to find experimentally validated micro-RNAs that target the genes of interest, as listed in Genes of interest. We drop STARD3 from that list, as it correlates very strongly with ERBB2 and is far less studied experimentally; we also drop LAPTM4A, as it showed no correlation to any of the other genes, and is also poorly studied. We are left with ERBB2, NDRG1, and LAPTM4B. The main criteria for choosing a miRNA that targets each gene is that it downregulates the gene in the context of cancer progression.

For ERBB2, hsa-miR-155-5p (MIMAT0000646) was shown to downregulate ErbB2 and suppress ErbB2-induced malignant transformation of breast epithelial cells by two distinct mechanism: repressing ErbB2 transcription, and directly targetting ErbB2 via a regulatory element (doi:10.1038/onc.2016.132).

For NDRG1, miR-769-3p (MIMAT0003887) was found to down-regulate NDRG1 in MCF-7 cells during reoxygenation (doi:10.1038/srep05908).

For LAPTM4B, miR-188-5p (MIMAT0000457) was found to inhibit tumor growth and metastasis by repressing LAPTM4B expression, acting as a tumor supressor (doi:10.18632/oncotarget.3341).

Using miRWalk2.0:


The downloaded file:

S8: microrna/3utr-comparative.tsv

What are the columns in this file?

Listing 9: microrna/table-header
     1	miRNA
     2	MIMATid
     3	Gene
     4	EntrezID
     5	RefseqID
     6	miRWalk
     7	miRanda
     8	miRDB
     9	RNA22
    10	Targetscan
    11	SUM
Column labels.

C87: ⟪:make

microrna/table-header: microrna/3utr-comparative.tsv
	Get first row $^ \
	    | Tab-separated fields to lines \
	    | nl \
	    > $@


For now, we are interested in the miRNA identifier (1), the predicted target gene (3), the IDs of the mRNA sequences being targetted, and the number of positive predictions for that gene, commonly used as an indicator of the prediction strength (11). We will a table with these columns to the relational database.

C88: ⟪mirna.schema.sql
root chunk

  mirna TEXT,
  gene TEXT,
  refseqid TEXT,

C89: ⟪:make

tcga.db: mirna.define-insert-table.sql
mirna.rows-tsv: microrna/3utr-comparative.tsv
	Drop first row $^ \
	    | cut --fields=1,3,5,11 \
	    > $@


To be able to find the intersection of genes that are in the predicted targets, and in the transcript level matrix, we will insert the row labels of the two matrices in the relational database.

C90: ⟪:make

tcga.db: ampl_rownames.create-table.sql \
%_rownames.tsv: %.rownames
	echo "Ensembl Gene ID" > $@
	cat $^ >> $@


To be able to caclulate the transcript level correlation for each of these genes, we need the Ensembl Gene IDs for the predictions for each of the three miRNAs. Note the reuse of columns-of-interest.tsv-result, generated in columns-of-interest.query.sql.

C91: ⟪:make Calculate and save the mRNA correlation coefficients
root chunk

mirna-mrna.Rsave: mirna-mrna.R \
                  input-data.Rsave \
                  columns-of-interest.tsv-result \
                  mirna-genes.tsv-result \
                  hsa-miR-155-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv \
                  hsa-miR-188-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv \
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@

mirna-counts.txt: hsa-miR-155-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv \
                  hsa-miR-188-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv \
	wc --lines $^ > $@

%.mirna-predictions.tsv: mirna-predictions.bash tcga.db
	bash $^ $* > $@

Listing 10: mirna-counts.txt
  957 hsa-miR-155-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv
  826 hsa-miR-188-5p.mirna-predictions.tsv
  770 hsa-miR-769-3p.mirna-predictions.tsv
 2553 total
Number of targets for each gene.

C92: ⟪mirna-genes.query.sql
root chunk

WITH gene_mirna ("Associated Gene Name", mirna) AS (
    ('ERBB2', 'hsa-miR-155-5p'),
    ('NDRG1', 'hsa-miR-769-3p'),
    ('LAPTM4B', 'hsa-miR-188-5p')
  "Associated Gene Name" AS name,
  "Ensembl Gene ID" AS id,
FROM id_descr_name
  NATURAL INNER JOIN gene_mirna;
Result 7: mirna-genes.tsv-result

C93: ⟪mirna-predictions.bash
root chunk

sqlite3 "$1" << end_of_file
.header on
.separator "\t"
WITH gene_count_sum AS (
    count(refseqid) AS count,
  FROM mirna
  WHERE mirna = '$2'
  GROUP BY gene, sum
  "Ensembl Gene ID" AS id
FROM gene_count_sum
  INNER JOIN id_descr_name
    ON gene = "Associated Gene Name"
  NATURAL INNER JOIN ampl_rownames
  NATURAL INNER JOIN mrna_rownames
WHERE sum >= 4
  OR (sum = 3 AND count >= 2);

C94: ⟪mirna-mrna.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("input",
Read and name R command line arguments

as.matrix(read.delim(args["genes"])) ->[,c("name","id")] ->[,"mirna"] -> rownames(

Load miRNA targets R function
lapply(list("one", "two", "three"),
       load.mirna.targets) -> mirna.targets
       function(x) { x$gene["name"] }) -> names(mirna.targets)

as.matrix(read.delim(args["cols"])) -> cols
Keep only the overlapping columns

pearson.cor <- function(x, y) {
    cor.test(x, y, method="pearson")$estimate

Shortlist highly correlated targets R function
lapply(mirna.targets, target.cor) -> gene.complex

save(gene.complex, file=args["result"])

C95: ⟪Load miRNA targets R function
Appears in C94

load.mirna.targets <- function( {
             split=".", fixed=T)[[1]][1] ->
    as.matrix(read.delim(args[])) -> mirna.targets
    mirna.targets[,"id"] -> target.ids
    mirna.targets[,"gene"] -> names(target.ids)

C96: ⟪Shortlist highly correlated targets R function
Appears in C94

target.cor <- function(x) {
    mrna[x$gene["id"],] -> gene.mrna
    mrna[x$targets,] -> targets.mrna
    names(x$targets) -> rownames(targets.mrna)
    apply(targets.mrna, 1, pearson.cor, gene.mrna) -> target.cors
    sort(target.cors[target.cors > 0.33], decreasing=T) -> shortlist
    targets.mrna[names(shortlist),] -> targets.mrna
    ampl[x$gene["id"],] -> gene.ampl
    ampl[x$targets,] -> targets.ampl
    names(x$targets) -> rownames(targets.ampl)
    targets.ampl[names(shortlist),] -> targets.ampl
Listing 11: mirna-mrna-result.txt
Gene:  ERBB2 
miRNA:  hsa-miR-155-5p 
[1] "RAB27B" "GPD1L" 

Gene:  LAPTM4B 
miRNA:  hsa-miR-188-5p 
 [1] "LAPTM4B"  "YWHAZ"    "JMJD6"   
 [4] "SLMO2"    "TXNRD1"   "C1orf106"
 [7] "RBL1"     "CDC25B"   "PVR"     
[10] "TMEM194A" "PCMT1"    "UQCRB"   
[13] "UCK2"     "FBXO45"   "OSGIN2"  
[16] "USP31"    "SNX22"    "AQP9"    
[19] "SPAST"   

Gene:  NDRG1 
miRNA:  hsa-miR-769-3p 
 [1] "NDRG1"    "C11orf86" "SLC6A2"  
 [4] "KIF1B"    "TRIM2"    "CDCA8"   
 [7] "STAC"     "HIC2"     "FOXK2"   
[10] "KLF11"    "ASAP1"    "PHKG1"   
[13] "MFGE8"    "RBM38"   

The predicted targets with high correlation on the transcript level.

C97: ⟪:make

mirna-mrna-result.txt: mirna-mrna-result.txt.R mirna-mrna.Rsave
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@

C98: ⟪mirna-mrna-result.txt.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("data", "result")
Read and name R command line arguments

print.gene.complex <- function(i) {
    cat("Gene: ", names(gene.complex)[[i]], "\n")
    cat("miRNA: ", gene.complex[[i]]$mirna, "\n")

lapply(seq_along(gene.complex), print.gene.complex) -> foo

Which are the interesting hits in this shortlist?

For LAPTM4B, there are several interesting hits. One is PVR, encoding the Poliovirus receptor protein, which mediates natural killer (NK) cell adhesion and triggers NK cell effector functions. It might provide tumors with a mechanism of immunoevasion, and it plays a role in mediating tumor cell invasion and migration.

Another interesting gene is SNX22, encoding the Sorting nexin-22 protein, which may be involved in several stages of intracellular trafficking (By similarity). It interacts with membranes containing phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3P)).

Finally, SPAST (Spastin) is a protein that is required for the membrane traffic from the ER to the Golgi.

Now, visualize the amplification status and transcript level correlation between LAPTM4B and each of these three genes, as available in the patient solid tumor samples.

C99: ⟪:make Draw correlation plots for miRNA targets
root chunk

%-mirna.svg: plot-mirna-target.R mirna-mrna.Rsave
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@ $* svg

%-mirna.pdf: plot-mirna-target.R mirna-mrna.Rsave
	Rscript --vanilla $^ $@ $* pdf

Result 8: LAPTM4B-PVR-mirna.pdf
Result 9: LAPTM4B-SNX22-mirna.pdf
Result 10: LAPTM4B-SPAST-mirna.pdf

C100: ⟪plot-mirna-target.R
root chunk

args.names <- c("data", "plot", "genes", "format")
Read and name R command line arguments
strsplit(args["genes"], split="-", fixed=T)[[1]] -> gene.names
gene.names[1] -> gene.of.interest
gene.names[2] ->
gene.complex[[gene.of.interest]] -> g
a1 <- g$gene.ampl
a2 <- g$ampl[,]

Color mRNA scatter plot R function
col <- scatter.plot.col(a1, a2)

Open graphics device R function
open.device(args["format"], args["plot"],
            width=7.5, height=5.2, pointsize=12)

Define layout for correlation plots R function

Draw correlation plots R function

                    chisq.result=chisq.test(a1, a2),
                    pearson.estimate=g$hits[])) -> foo