#NEXUS [written Tue Nov 15 23:34:52 CET 2011 by Mesquite version 2.75 (build 566) at macbook-de-valentin-fischer.local/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=17; TAXLABELS Temnodontosaurus Ichthyosaurus_communis Stenopterygius_quadriscissus Ophthalmosaurus_icenicus Ophthalmosaurus_natans Chacaicosaurus_cayi Brachypterygius_extremus Arthropterygius_chrisorum Mollesaurus_perialus Caypullisaurus_bonpartei Aegirosaurus_leptospondylus Platypterygius_australis Platypterygius_hercynicus Maiaspondylus_lindoei Athabascasaurus_bitumineus Sveltonectes_insolitus Acamptonectes_densus ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Flipper_matrix; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=51; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k m n p q r s"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 Crown_striation / Present Reduced, 2 Base_enamel / no yes, 3 Root_section / Rounded Quadrangular, 4 Process_postpal._pterygo / Absent Present, 5 Mx_ant._process / As_far_as_Na Reduced, 6 Desc._proces._naris / Absent Present, 7 Mx_nares / NO_CONTACT CONTACT, 8 Pmx_supranarialis_pr / Present Absent, 9 Prf_narialis_pr. / Absent Present, 10 Jugal_ant._margin / between_Mx_&_Lac Fan_covers_Mx, 11 Sagittal_eminence / Present Absent, 12 Frontal_pr._temporalis / 'Pa+PsFr-Na' 'Pa+PsFr+Na' 'Pa-PsFr-Na', 13 'ST-PO contact' / Absent Present, 14 Sq_shape / Triangular squared lost, 15 Qj_exposure / Large 'Small, covered', 16 Basipterygoid_processes / barely_protruding large_wings, 17 Bo_extracondylar_area / Wide Reduced Extremely_reduced, 18 Bo_peg / Present Absent, 19 Ventral_notch_BO / Yes No, 20 Slender_POP_opis / 'No, stout' 'Yes, elongated and slender', 21 Stapes_head_size / Small Large, 22 Angular_lateral_exposure / Small Extensive, 23 Anterior_caudals_height / ?3.5 ?4, 24 Fluke_centra_lat._compress. / Laterally_compressed Rounded, 25 'A-A neural' / fused not_fused, 26 Apical_chevrons / Present Lost, 27 Sc_glenoid / Extensive Reduced, 28 Sc_acromion / Absent Present, 29 anteromedial_co_horn / yes no, 30 'Plate-like dorsal troch' / No Yes, 31 Hu_DPC / Absent Present, 32 'Hu prox/distal ends' / distal_wider equal_or_prox_wider, 33 Hu_AAEF / Absent Present, 34 Post_delfected_Ul_facet / no yes, 35 'Hu/it contact' / Absent Present, 36 Ulna_post._edge / Round_and_not_tapering tapering_and_concave, 37 Pisiform / Absent Present, 38 Notching_anterior_edge_forefin / Notched Straight, 39 Post._enlarg._foregin / No One_digit Two_digits, 40 Preaxial_digits / Absent One, 41 'Longi/Lati' / Longipinnate Latipinnate, 42 Flat_prox._elements / Flat Thick, 43 tighly_packed_rectangular_phalanges / no yes, 44 Digital_bifurcation / Absent Present, 45 'Is-Pu fusion' / Absent Fused_foramina Fused_no_foramina, 46 Is_shape / 'Plate-like' 'Rod-like', 47 Fe_trochanters / Absent Present, 48 'Fe/As contact' / no yes, 49 Fe_AAE / no_element yes_element, 50 Tibia_shaft / Notched Straight, 51 Postaxial_digits_hindfin / Absent Present ; MATRIX Temnodontosaurus 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ichthyosaurus_communis 0000100{0 1}00001{0 2}100000000000{0 1}000010000{0 1}11010110000010 Stenopterygius_quadriscissus 100110000000001000001011?1110000000010{0 1}0000110?0000 Ophthalmosaurus_icenicus 010111110110001{0 1}1{0 1}011110110101011101111111001010010 Ophthalmosaurus_natans 10?111110??0001?1?01110???110?011101?1?11?00??????? Chacaicosaurus_cayi ?????0??????????001??????????0??0?0010000100??????? Brachypterygius_extremus 011?0100?1?????1211??1?????101?1001011111100??????? Arthropterygius_chrisorum ???????????????0201?1?11?1??01011100?1??0?????00??? Mollesaurus_perialus ??????0?0????11111001?0???????????????????????????? Caypullisaurus_bonpartei ????00000???110??????10???1111111000112101102110?11 Aegirosaurus_leptospondylus 000?110111?1001??????1???????1?1001011111?1021?0011 Platypterygius_australis 011000100101020121101101110111111000112101102010111 Platypterygius_hercynicus 011?100?01110{0 1}1?2?1?1??1?1011111100011210110??1101? Maiaspondylus_lindoei ?11?1?01?1?????0??????0??????1?100101?1?0?10???10?? Athabascasaurus_bitumineus 10??0011?110010?2???110?1???????????????????201???? Sveltonectes_insolitus 101?11011111???0211?1100?1110111000??11111102110111 Acamptonectes_densus 11???1????1????111111100?10101{0 1}111011??1??0???????? ; END; BEGIN LABELS; CHARGROUPLABEL Teeth COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.50196078 0.16862745) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Skull COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.85882353 0.30196078) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Axial COLOR = (RGB 0.63921569 1.0 0.10196078) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Shoulder_girdle COLOR = (RGB 0.10196078 1.0 0.45882353) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Pelvic_girdle COLOR = (RGB 0.06666667 1.0 1.0) ; END; BEGIN SETS; CHARPARTITION * UNTITLED = Teeth : 1 - 3, Skull : 4 - 22, Axial : 23 - 26, Shoulder_girdle : 27 - 44, Pelvic_girdle : 45 - 51; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1 - 51; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1 - 16 18 - 38 40 - 44 46 - 51, ord: 17 39 45; END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXON = 7 CHARACTER = 6 TEXT = 'see Kirton 1983:114'; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 7 TEXT = no_contact_according_to_Kirton...; TEXT TAXON = 5 CHARACTER = 7 TEXT = very_small_one_according_to_Appleby; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 8 TEXT = SMALL_BUMP_BUT_THAT_DOES_NOT_FORM_THE_ANTERIOR_MARGIN_OF_THE_NARIS; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 9 TEXT = 'Sometimes there is a small process but not always: see Applebys monograph... At any rate, not a well marked process as in Aegirosaurus/Sveltonectes'; TEXT TAXON = 13 CHARACTER = 14 TEXT = 'Has to be 0 OR 1 since there is one squamosal in P. hercynicus (see Fischer, in press APP).'; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 18 TEXT = Somtimes_present; TEXT TAXON = 5 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = SEE_GILMORE_1905; TEXT TAXON = 13 CHARACTER = 28 TEXT = 'Check KUHN''s original paper'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 37 TEXT = inferred_from_a_facet_on_ulna; TEXT TAXON = 3 CHARACTER = 39 TEXT = 'but a small one, see Maisch 2008'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 40 TEXT = because_of_an_aaefacet...; TEXT TAXON = 2 CHARACTER = 46 TEXT = flat_in_most_ichthyosaurs; TEXT TAXON = 3 CHARACTER = 46 TEXT = ibid; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 46 TEXT = ibid; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1321396492350; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 4444536175602907748; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 19 4 5 6 7 8 9 23 10 11 25 12 15; 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tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; showCharacters #8195619463141173495 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList; tell It; setData 0; getWindow; tell It; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.stochchar.CharListProbModels.CharListProbModels; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels; getTable; tell It; columnWidth 2 89; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1119 574; setLocation 0 22; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel; 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