About the Authors

Brian Stone Jr


Affiliation School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Jason Vargo

Affiliation Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America

Peng Liu

Affiliation School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Dana Habeeb

Affiliation School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Anthony DeLucia

Affiliation Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, United States of America

Marcus Trail

Affiliation School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Yongtao Hu

Affiliation School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Armistead Russell

Affiliation School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: BS JV PL DH AD MT YH AR. Performed the experiments: BS JV PL DH AD MT YH AR. Analyzed the data: BS JV PL DH AD MT YH AR. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: BS JV PL DH AD MT YH AR. Wrote the paper: BS JV PL DH AD MT YH AR.