About the Authors

Douglas V. Dolfi

Affiliation Institute for Immunology, Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Kathleen D. Mansfield

Affiliation Institute for Immunology, Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Raj K. Kurupati

Affiliation Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Senthil Kannan

Affiliations Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, Biomedical Graduate Group, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Susan A. Doyle

Affiliation Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, and Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America

Hildegund C. J. Ertl

Affiliation Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Kenneth E. Schmader

Affiliation Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, and Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America

E. John Wherry


Affiliation Institute for Immunology, Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: DVD KDM SAD HCJE KES EJW. Performed the experiments: DVD KDM RKK SK SAD. Analyzed the data: DVD EJW. Wrote the manuscript: DVD EJW.