About the Authors

Hin Chu

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Jaang-Jiun Wang

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Mingli Qi

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Jeong-Joong Yoon

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Xiaoyun Wen

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Xuemin Chen

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Lingmei Ding

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Paul Spearman


Affiliation Department of Pediatrics, Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: PS J-JW HC. Performed the experiments: HC J-JW MQ J-JY XW XC LD. Analyzed the data: HC J-JW MQ PS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: HC J-JW MQ XW XC. Wrote the paper: HC PS.