About the Authors

Jocelyn Teo

Affiliation Department of Pharmacy, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Yiying Cai

Affiliation Department of Pharmacy, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Sarah Tang

Affiliation Department of Pharmacy, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Winnie Lee

Affiliation Department of Pharmacy, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Thean Yen Tan

Affiliation Department of Laboratory Medicine, Changi General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Thuan Tong Tan

Affiliation Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Andrea Lay-Hoon Kwa


Affiliation Department of Pharmacy, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: JT ALK WL. Performed the experiments: JT YYC SST. Analyzed the data: JT ALK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: TTT TYT. Wrote the paper: JT ALK.