About the Authors

Michio Yamamoto

Contributed equally to this work with: Michio Yamamoto, Takayuki Kato

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Takayuki Kato

Contributed equally to this work with: Michio Yamamoto, Takayuki Kato

Affiliation Department of Physiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan

Chie Hotta

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Akira Nishiyama

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Daisuke Kurotaki

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Masahiro Yoshinari

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Masamichi Takami

Affiliation Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan

Motohide Ichino

Affiliation Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Masatoshi Nakazawa

Affiliation Department of Experimental Animal Science, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan

Toshifumi Matsuyama

Affiliation Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan

Ryutaro Kamijo

Affiliation Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan

Seiichi Kitagawa

Affiliation Department of Physiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan

Keiko Ozato

Affiliation Program in Genomics of Differentiation, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Tomohiko Tamura


Affiliations Department of Immunology, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan, Department of Physiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan, Program in Genomics of Differentiation, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: TT KO. Performed the experiments: M. Yamamoto TK CH AN DK MI M. Yoshinari MN TT. Analyzed the data: M. Yamamoto TK DK SK KO TT. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MT RK TM. Wrote the paper: TT AN M. Yamamoto TK.