About the Authors

Julia Hussein


Affiliation Immpact, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

Jacqueline Bell

Affiliation Immpact, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

Maureen Dar Iang

Affiliation United Mission to Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Natasha Mesko

Affiliation Department for International Development Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Jenny Amery

Affiliation Department for International Development London, London, United Kingdom

Wendy Graham

Affiliation Immpact, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

Competing Interests

JH, JB, MDL and WG were employed as consultants by DFID to conduct this work. NM and JA were staff members of the funding agency and influenced the study design, data collection and analysis as part of their work. They were involved in the decision to publish and prepare the manuscript. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: JH JB WG. Performed the experiments: JH JB MDI NM JA. Analyzed the data: JH JB MDI NM JA WG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JH JB MDI NM JA WG. Wrote the paper: JH JB MDI NM JA WG.