About the Authors

Frank ter Veld


Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Martina Mueller

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Simone Kramer

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Ulrike Haussmann

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Diran Herebian

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Ertan Mayatepek

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Maurice D. Laryea

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Sonja Primassin

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Ute Spiekerkoetter

Affiliation Department of General Pediatrics, Heinrich- Heine -University, Düsseldorf, Germany

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: FtV. Performed the experiments: FtV MM SK UH DH MDL SP. Analyzed the data: FtV MM DH MDL SP. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: FtV MM MDL SP. Wrote the paper: FtV. Critical revision of the manuscript: DH EM US. Study concept and design and study supervision: US.