About the Authors

Lauren Saunders

Affiliations Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, Western Regions, Rennes, France, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Rennes, France

Marion Perennec-Olivier

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, Western Regions, Rennes, France

Pascal Jarno

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, Western Regions, Rennes, France

François L’Hériteau

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, Northern Regions, Paris, France

Anne-Gaëlle Venier

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, South-Western Regions, Bordeaux, France

Loïc Simon

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, Eastern Regions, Nancy, France

Marine Giard

Affiliation Coordination Centre for Nosocomial Infection Control, South-Eastern Regions, Lyon, France

Jean-Michel Thiolet

Affiliation Institute for Public Health Surveillance, Saint Maurice, France

Jean-François Viel


Affiliation Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Rennes, France

for the RAISIN group

Membership of the RAISIN group is provided in the Acknowledgments.

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: PJ JFV. Performed the experiments: L. Saunders MPO PJ JFV. Analyzed the data: L. Saunders MPO JFV. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PJ FLH AGV L. Simon MG JMT. Wrote the paper: L. Saunders PJ JFV. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: MPO FLH AGV L. Simon MG JMT.