About the Authors

Nadia Ali Rimi


Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rebeca Sultana

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Stephen P. Luby

Affiliations Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Global Disease Detection Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Mohammed Saiful Islam

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Main Uddin

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mohammad Jahangir Hossain

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rashid Uz Zaman

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Nazmun Nahar

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Emily S. Gurley

Affiliation Centre for Communicable Diseases, icddr, b, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: RS SPL NN ESG. Performed the experiments: NAR RS MSI MU. Analyzed the data: NAR RS. Wrote the paper: NAR RS SPL MSI MU MJH RUZ NN ESG.