About the Authors

Anne Kraemer

Affiliation Institute of Radiation Biology, Helmholtz Center Munich, Neuherberg, Germany

I-Peng Chen

Affiliation Department Molecular Cell Biology, Center of Dermatology, Elbekliniken Stade/Buxtehude, Buxtehude, Germany

Stefan Henning

Affiliation Department Molecular Cell Biology, Center of Dermatology, Elbekliniken Stade/Buxtehude, Buxtehude, Germany

Alexandra Faust

Affiliation Department Molecular Cell Biology, Center of Dermatology, Elbekliniken Stade/Buxtehude, Buxtehude, Germany

Beate Volkmer

Affiliation Department Molecular Cell Biology, Center of Dermatology, Elbekliniken Stade/Buxtehude, Buxtehude, Germany

Michael J. Atkinson

Affiliations Institute of Radiation Biology, Helmholtz Center Munich, Neuherberg, Germany, Radiation Biology, Technical University of Munich, München, Germany

Simone Moertl

Affiliation Institute of Radiation Biology, Helmholtz Center Munich, Neuherberg, Germany

Ruediger Greinert


Affiliation Department Molecular Cell Biology, Center of Dermatology, Elbekliniken Stade/Buxtehude, Buxtehude, Germany

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: AK SM BV RG. Performed the experiments: AK SM IC SH AF. Analyzed the data: SM MA IC BV RG. Wrote the paper: AK SM MA IC BV RG.