About the Authors

Hidetaka Ota

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Masahiro Akishita


Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Takuyu Akiyoshi

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Tomoaki Kahyo

Affiliation Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Anatomy, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan

Mitsutoshi Setou

Affiliation Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Anatomy, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan

Sumito Ogawa

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Katsuya Iijima

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Masato Eto

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Yasuyoshi Ouchi

Affiliation Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: HO MA YO. Performed the experiments: HO TA. Analyzed the data: HO SO KI ME MA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: TK MS. Wrote the paper: HO MA.