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Comparison between our structure and Robinson et al. structure

Posted by Pipo on 28 Sep 2007 at 14:49 GMT

In our paper we state that the strcuture proposed by Robinson et al. in their paper * , the "one start interdigitated structure", is similar to our fiber structure for 177bp repeat length, the"five start structure".

To give our readers a better idea to our of their similarity we made a movie of the transition between those two structures. The movie is available here :

The topology of the fiber is the same in both configurations but the nucleosome tilt is slightly different.

The authors.

*Robinson PJ, Fairall L, Huynh VA, Rhodes D (2006) EM measurements define the dimensions of the "30-nm" chromatin fiber: evidence for a compact, interdigitated structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103: 6506-6511.