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about ODE solver tolerance options in the Matlab code file runSimulations.m

Posted by zhike_zi on 28 Sep 2011 at 12:05 GMT

For some stress scenarios, the users should pay attention to the setting of the ODE solver tolerance options in the code file runSimulations.m. For short pulse of stress stimulation (e.g. Ton <=1 min), the users need to decrease the tolerance options for the ode23s solver. We found there are some typos in the original Matlab code file "runSimulations.m".

Therefore, we suggest the following modification for the code in runSimulations.m file.

1. change line 44 from "options = odeset('RelTol',1e-16,'AbsTol', 1e-10);" to "options = odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol', 1e-10);"

2. add options to the argument of the ode23s solver, namely

(a) change line 53 from "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course1, initials);" to "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course1, initials, options);"

(b) change line 70 from "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course2, initials);" to "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course2, initials, options);"

(c) change line 84 from "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course3, initials);" to "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course3, initials, options);"

(d) change line 98 from "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course4, initials, options);" to "[t,y] = ode23s(@ODE4OsmoticChanges, time_course4, initials, options);"

The changes do not affect the simulation results in the original code, but it is more suitable for simulations of other stress conditions. We suggest the users to adjust the options of the absolute and relative tolerance of the ODE solver if the simulation does not work.

No competing interests declared.