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Publisher's Note: Error in mtDNA sequences and Table 5

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 18 Nov 2010 at 23:02 GMT

Mutations relative to the revised Cambridge reference sequences (rCRS) found in 56 mtDNAs belonging to sub-haplogroup H5.

Two of the 56 completely sequenced mtDNAs were incorrectly classified as members of haplogroup H5. In reality, the sequences corresponding to the GenBank records GQ983090 (AD sample 570) and GQ983101 (CNT sample C567) belong to two different H sub-haplogroups: H14a and H4a, respectively. Therefore, the new frequencies of H5 are 4.1% (34 out of 936) among AD patients and 2.2% (17 out of 776) in controls. These corrections do not affect the findings or conclusions of the article with H5 being the only mtDNA sub-haplogroup that is statistically associated with AD (OR = 1.94, 95%CI = 1.06-3.57). The authors also corrected Table 5, removing all the mutations belonging to the sequences incorrectly classified as H5. Here is the link to the correct Table 5:

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