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Data now available

Posted by davehone on 21 Feb 2013 at 14:46 GMT

At the time of publishing my co-author and I deemed it most sensible to retain the datasets used in these analyses. These are now archived at Figshare and are available to all at this URL:

On a different note, subsequent to the publication of our paper we were alerted to two pertinent papers which we would have cited had we been aware of them. We do not feel we have duplicated any of the ideas therein, but certainly these should have been mentioned and would have contributed to our ideas.

These are:
Farlow 1993. On the rareness of big, fierce animals: speculations about the body sizes, population densities, and geographic ranges of predatory mammals and large carnivorous dinosaurs. American Journal of Science. 293: 167-199.

Farlow, Dodson, Chinsamy 1995. Dinosaur Biology. Annual review of ecology and systematics. 26: 445-471.

No competing interests declared.