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I beg to differ....

Posted by rfiluk on 03 Jan 2013 at 04:48 GMT

Review letter from CHEST 90(3), 465-466, 1986 by Filuk, RB. "Keeping up at Rounds". Using a Douglas bag and VO2 measurements stair climbs of two steps quickly or slowly costs more energy than one step done slowly but not quickly. Two step stair climbing can be done faster than one step and height allows faster stair climbs.

No competing interests declared.

RE: I beg to differ....

halseylg replied to rfiluk on 03 Jan 2013 at 09:42 GMT

Dear Dr Filuk,

Thank you for flagging up the paper. I would be interested to see it if a pdf is available. My 'stairs' paper reports rate of energy expenditure during two-step climbing to be higher than during one-step climbing. However total energy expenditure was higher over a set distance when climbing the stairs one at a time.

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