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Figure incomplete

Posted by ramiromh on 15 Nov 2012 at 16:05 GMT

Backbone topologies used in the MEDUSA analyses.
A) phylogeny backbone from analysis with 218 species and 9 calibration points; B) phylogeny backbone from analysis with 218 species and 5 calibration points. Tip names refer to the species groups (those polyphyletic were clustered into a single clade) and numbers in brackets refer to the species richness of the tip. Numbers on nodes indicate divergence times

Figure 5 is multipart and part 5B is not showing in this version. It corresponds to the backbone phylogeny from analysis with 218 species and 5 calibration points used in the MEDUSA analysis. I have submitted the complete Figure to Dryad and has a DOI: doi:10.5061/dryad.v0t0d

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