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ERK and p38 activation?

Posted by cbee on 12 Jul 2007 at 23:13 GMT

How does LVP treatment influence ERK and p38 activation levels in LPS-stimulated DC? What happens to IL-12p70 and IL-6 production by DC upon inhibition of p38 and ERK in your experiments?

RE: ERK and p38 activation?

perrin1 replied to cbee on 24 Aug 2007 at 09:20 GMT

These questions are under investigation. Preliminary results show that in the presence or not of LVP, p38 inhibition leads to abrogation of IL12p70 secretion and reduction of IL6 secretion. This is in agreement with previous results showing that p38 activation is necessary to LPS-induced maturation. Erk inhibition increased IL12p70 secretion by LVP-treated cells stimulated by LPS but did not completely restore it to normal level suggesting that other process may involved in the Th1 restoration.