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Concentration-specific action of Ayurvedic formulation

Posted by srijithesh on 27 Jun 2012 at 18:24 GMT


The paper made intresting reading. The authors need to be congrtulated for demonstrating Drosophillia melgamaner as an appriopiate model for studing ayurvedic formulation. The observation of increased longevity with RS of 0.5% concentration but not with higher or lower concentration is interesting. This writer is intrigued by the epistemological connotation of such concentration-specific action of traditional ayurvedic formulation. In the absence of any kind of controlled dose finding trials, how could ayurvedic practiotioners have developed such formulations? The study notes that a concentration of 1% of RS adversely affects the longevity while 0.5% improves it. Assuming that such phenomenon is true in human beings also, what is the likely epistemiological means by which such a formulation is discovered? We can assume that the evolutionary selection mechanisms involved in development of 'remedies' of animal self-medication can well operate in the devekopment of many tradtional practices. But a scenario of micro precision in constitition of the ingredients is quite implausible. I wonder whether authors have reflected on this issue.

No competing interests declared.

RE: Concentration-specific action of Ayurvedic formulation

lakhotia replied to srijithesh on 28 Jun 2012 at 03:45 GMT

It is very likely that when these formulations were established in the ancient times, the Ayurvedic poractioners would have determined the appropriate human dosages for each formulation either by trial and error or more likely by some kind of experimentation, Unfortunately, there is no available record of any such studies which would have taken place thousands of years ago. What is needed is to re-establish a well documented scientific basis of the mechanism of action of these formulation. The present study is an attempt in this direction.

Competing interests declared: I am the corresponding author