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100% Positive Response Would be Shocking

Posted by iSteeve on 31 May 2012 at 15:34 GMT

It is not a major shock that not everyone responds positively to exercise. Dr. Bouchard's earlier study (2001) pointed out the lack of changes in mVO2 in certain individuals. A study I remember reading with interest.

But, we should not make 100% response to any single intervention our goal. Overall exercise is responsible for many positive changes in health and lessens the chance and rate of significant deterioration. ""The near 90% that did well is not a minority. We should not let 8 to 12% become the new and "shocking" majority.""

I agree that we should try to discover who will have a significant adverse response to exercise. But that is often sudden death and there is no going back from that. Recent studies have shown that to be a rare event with an overall significant lessening of cardiovascular risk through an appropriately implemented exercise regimen.

As others have noted ""exercise and diet go hand in hand"". All of the individuals in this study were overweight. Improper diet is a large contributor, but not the sole contributor to the condition of being overweight or obese.

Successful implementation of an exercise program should actually include more than a mere exercise program. It needs life habits that would include good sleep habits, healthy diet, and avoiding the excessive consumption of things that are bad for you (too much alcohol, drugs, etc.).

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