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Overlooking Oncological Terrain "and" Oncologica Terrain-Dependent Inherited Real Risk such as Research is fundamentally Biased.

Posted by Stagnaro on 10 Dec 2009 at 10:07 GMT

Breast Cancer can occur in individuals of both sexes, positive for Oncological Terrain-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk, condition sine qua non of cancer. All environmental risk factors, like EBV, act upon these pathological alterations.
In fact, based on 53 year-long clinical experience, for all women (and men!), an original clinical assessment may be desirable that in a easy and reliable manner allows to recognize the possible presence of maternally-inherited ICAEM-dependent, Oncological Terrain, conditio sine qua non of cancer (1-12), without following with genetic testing, but ascertaining also breast cancer oncological “real risk” in well-defined breast quadrant(s), characterized by newborn-pathological, type I, subtype a) i.e., oncological,, Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices (1-6). In addition, testing for mutations of breast cancer susceptibility genes or for their diminished expression adds to our ability to assess breast cancer risk at an individual level. Really, we cannot localise in a (or more) mamma quadrant the possible breast cancer risk in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, as well as a lot of other gene mutations-positive women (and men!). Biophysical Semeiotics (http://www.semeioticabiof... Breast Cancer in Practical Application; Oncological Terrain) allows doctor to recognize firstly oncological terrain in a quantitative way, and then, bu “not” in all cases, of course, breast cancer real risk: individuals with oncological terrain do not show generally real risk in all biological systems (3). Interestingly, the absence of both Oncological Terrain and breast oncological “Real Risk”, the later in a subject with Oncological Terrain, excludes beyond every doubt the possibility of occurrence of breast cancer (2, 3). As a consequence, we can perform nowadays an efficacious clinical, primary prevention of breast cancer (4), on very large scale, based on the Single Patient Based Medicine (5-6), as suggests also Planning for the EU public Health Portal at URL: Pg 36.
Finally, “real” sentinel limphonodes are trigger-points for autoimmune syndrome (3), bedside recognized quickly thanks to Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics, based on the presence of no local realm, beside local realm, in biological systems (13).

1) Stagnaro Sergio. There is another clinical, and overlooked tool, reliable in breast cancer prognosis evaluation , 2005. http://www.biomedcentral....

2) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

3) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Cancro della mammella: : prevenzione primaria e diagnosi precoce con la percussione ascoltata. Gazz. Med. It.; Arch. Sc. Med. 152, 447, 1993.

4) Stagnaro S. Lettera aperta al Ministro della Salute, Prof. G. Sirchia, sulla prevenzione primaria clinica del cancro mammario. 27 August 2004

5) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M. Single Patient Based Medicine.La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2005. http://www.travelfactory....
6) Stagnaro Sergio. Single Patient Based Medicine: its paramount role in Future Medicine. Public Library of Science. http://medicine.plosjourn...
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8) Stagnaro Sergio. There is another clinical, and overlooked tool, reliable in breast cancer prognosis evaluation , 2005. http://www.biomedcentral....
9) Stagnaro Sergio. "Genes, Oncological Terrain, and Breast Cancer" World Journal of Surgical Oncology., 2005,
10) Stagnaro Sergio. Bed-Side Evaluating Breast Cancer Real Risk. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005, 3:67 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-3-67. 2005
11) Stagnaro Sergio Mitochondrial Bed-Side Evaluation: a new Way in the War against Cancer (21 December 2005). Cancer Cell International
12) Stagnaro Sergio. Mitochondrial Genome of the Mastodon highlights Human Constitutions. PLOS Biology, (01 August 2007) http://biology.plosjourna...
13) Stagnaro Sergio. Non Local Realm. Response to Selection for Social Signalling Drives the Evolution of Chameleon Colour Change. (01 February 2008)., http://biology.plosjourna...

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