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Explanation of Correction to Figure 3

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 18 Aug 2009 at 19:55 GMT

The authors have supplied the following explanation of the inconsistency in Figure 3C:

"In the original figure we presented data as plate output directly from the BiQAnalyzer program. The data were presented in the order of the input PCR reactions rather than by individual experiment. When presented in the order of PCR reactions performed, as was done in the original figure, it is possible to generate the type of symmetry that was observed. In fact, three separate experiments were performed for each BaP concentration. From each experiment we randomly picked 4 clones. The new figure is now presented by experiment (I-III), which provides an accurate reflection of the pattern of methylation of the ACSL3 promoter. The clones represented in the original and revised figures are identical and can be traced by their designated ID numbers. It is important to point out that the pattern of methylation reported in the revised figure does not change the conclusion of this set of experiments or of the paper."

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