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Relevance of rewards

Posted by WereSpielChequers on 01 Apr 2012 at 07:05 GMT

That's an interesting study, and fits in with my own experience of appointing Autopatrollers on Wikipedia. But I wonder how relevant your particular barnstar awards were, and whether relevance makes a difference. My assumption is that it does, so a barnstar awarded for writing a particular article that someone enjoyed reading, or for a particular article review or even for fixing lots of typos would have more impact than one given without a tailored rationale.

Competing interests declared: Not sure whether it counts as competing, but I've done quite a bit of research on Wikipedia

RE: Relevance of rewards

TahaYasseri replied to WereSpielChequers on 04 May 2012 at 20:54 GMT

I have more or less the same question, however a possible answer can be found here:
And if this the IP address, who distribute the awards at random, then I think the results could be potentially very much biased, as it is totally different from the normal process of awarding by real editors.

No competing interests declared.