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figure lettering

Posted by dougwyu on 29 Aug 2010 at 04:47 GMT

Panels A to H present Bioanalyzer DNA-1000 assays showing the sheared genomic DNA used as starting material (black), the larger size DNA fragments discarded in separation 1 (red), and the size fraction purified and recovered after separation 2 (blue). Panel I is a table summarizing the conditions and results displayed in panels A to H. All Bioanalyzer DNA-1000 traces after separation 1 (panel J), and after separation 2 (panel K), are respectively displayed on a graph for the conditions presented in panels A to H.

The lettering of the subfigures is confusing me. Does "A to H" below really mean "D to I"? Panel I would appear to be Figure 1A.

No competing interests declared.

RE: figure lettering

Arne replied to dougwyu on 30 Aug 2010 at 06:25 GMT

Thank you very much for kindly pointing out the mislabeling of panels in the legend to Figure 1.

As you correctly assumed the legend really has to read: Panels D to K present Bioanalyzer DNA-1000 assays showing the sheared genomic DNA used as starting material (black), the larger size DNA fragments discarded in separation 1 (red), and the size fraction purified and recovered after separation 2 (blue). Panel A is a table summarizing the conditions and results displayed in panels D to K. All Bioanalyzer DNA-1000 traces after separation 1 (panel B), and after separation 2 (panel C), are respectively displayed on a graph for the conditions presented in panels D to K. The conditions displayed in panel K were used to obtain the Illumina composite reads discussed in the text. The wider DNA fragment size distribution from panel K allowed to better analyze the effects of shorter versus longer overlapping regions on consensus reads.

Our sincere apologies for this confusion!

No competing interests declared.