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Thank you for your scientific ethics.

Posted by farmernpotter on 13 Sep 2011 at 18:11 GMT

Stray dogs who are half starved always come to my house. I have adopted a couple of them. This article makes me want to visit the salt marsh here in Southport, NC. The dolphins come up Dutchman's Creek to mate and play. Do you think that if I stand ashore, or sit in my kayak, and sing a siren's lament, or howl with my dog, that a lone mateless dolphin will approach us? Do you think we could begin a relationship? How do you call one in the first place? Do you have to feed them? I wouldn't want to do it that way, nor would I want to interrupt those mating. I would only want to offer an auditory invitation to the "lone." What a beautiful, ethical way for all of you to conduct research, and what a fabulous fantasy for the rest of us. Thank you! PS: Southport would be a pleasant place to live and do research, and we are trying to stop an international port from coming here (you get my drift.) Anyone interested?

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