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What is the treatment control for such a complex mix?

Posted by cueiro on 18 Apr 2012 at 01:29 GMT

The treatment control for the dandelion extract is not discernible from reading the text or figures. Given that changes in osmotic balance and nutrient availability have cause cell death this is an important concern. Will any plant extract cause cell death of these particular cell lines? Additionally, more rigorous proof and controls are required to demonstrate extrinsic versus intrinsic pathways of apoptosis as the cause of cell death. Given that most known extrinsic pathway triggers act through specific receptor-ligand interactions, this claim should have been more rigorously tested before assuming such a strong conclusion. Examination of the timing of caspase-8 vs caspase-9 activation as well as bid to tbid conversion would adequately address this concern. The conversion of JC1 red to JC1 green should have been shown in figure 6, as this is the correct way to use the dye.

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