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Publisher's Note: Errors in references.

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jul 2012 at 20:19 GMT


There are errors in references 15,17,18, and 29. The correct references should read:

15. Ravel J, Gajer P, Abdo Z, Schneider GM, Koenig SS, et al. (2010) Vaginal microbiome of reproductive-age women. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108 Suppl 1: 4680-4687. PMID: 20534435

17. The Human Microbiome Consortium (2012) A framework for human microbiome research. Nature 486: 215-221

18. Haas BJ, Gevers D, Earl A, Feldgarden M, Ward DV, et al. (2011) Chimeric 16S rRNA sequence formation and detection in Sanger and 454-pyrosequenced PCR amplicons. Genome Research 21: 494-504. PMID: 21212162

29. Kunin V, Anna E, Ochman H, Hugenholtz P (2009) Wrinkles in the rare biosphere: pyrosequencing errors lead to artificial inflation of diversity estimates. Environmental Microbiology 12: 118-123. PMID: 19725865

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