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I Ching and DNA code

Posted by rclough on 07 Jun 2008 at 12:18 GMT

The I Ching is a combinatorily constructed binary code which has been applied to characterizing the DNA code to some extent. See
and http://www.valdostamuseum...
or Google on I Ching DNA.

The four acids are linked to binary digrams. By combining these one can obtain hexagrams. These can be inverted, or
also manipulated with standard gate logic such as XOR.

They also are structured as an onion is, with inside to outside.

The Tai xuan jing (Tia Hsuan Ching) is a base 3 system which can be related to the I Ching and is also structured in the thesis-antithesis-synthesis form on four levels.


- Roger Clough

RE: I Ching and DNA code

daxe replied to rclough on 09 Jun 2008 at 19:03 GMT

Thanks for these comments, Roger.

The work you've linked to seems to be aimed at discovering unexpected mathematical connections between the ancient I Ching system and the genetic code, among other things (at least, that's how I've understood it on first inspection).

Our use of the ancient character set differs from this, I think, in that our approach is empirical. We aren't looking for (or claiming) any deep underlying connection between the structures of the Han characters and the structures of proteins. Instead, we're taking advantage of some clear and simple analogies in order to incorporate real function into a genetic model.

This is a way of forcing the model to be realistic (in some sense) by tying it to something real and pre-existing.
