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Response to Levis et al. "Historical Human Footprint on Modern Tree Species Composition in the Purus-Madeira Interfluve, Central Amazonia, by Dolores R. Piperno and Crystal H. McMichael

Posted by ritanana on 24 Jan 2013 at 21:34 GMT

From their investigations of six sites located in central Amazonia, Levis et al. 2012 claim to present archaeological evidences for prehistoric human impacts on the composition of both riverine and interfluvial areas of the forests. They also provide charcoal evidence they interpret as a signal of ancient human-caused forest burning. We argue here that: 1) no archaeological evidence was provided for the interfluvial areas without indications of Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE), 2) the charcoal data is largely un-interpretable with respect to past fire disturbance because none of it was dated, and 3) other interpretations made of prehistoric land usage are equivocal because vegetation reconstructions were not attempted.

We do not dispute that ADE found in a number of places by the authors on the banks of major and secondary rivers is likely to be indicative of past human occupations. However, they used “the abundance, richness, and basal area of useful arboreal species…” (Levis et al.2 012:2) to identify “anthropogenic forests” in interfluvial situations without evidence of ADE. We agree with the comments of Barlow previously posted that this evidence is disputable for a number of reasons and do not add anything in this regard.

Furthermore, rigorously assessing past human land usage requires reconstructions of vegetation and fire patterns that the authors did not undertake. For example, assigning a prehistoric age to soil charcoal requires radiocarbon dating, as it is clear that charcoal recovered from the uppermost 20 cm in soil profiles is often modern or just a few hundred years-old, and even charcoal occurring below 20 cm can be the same, young age, having migrated downward (McMichael et al. 2012 a, b). The fact that most of the charcoal Levis et al. recovered occurred in the uppermost 20 cm of soil accentuates this problem. Charcoal was common in the soils at most of their sites, but was in very low masses (Figure 2 of the paper). The authors claim that one interfluvial site contained a significantly higher mass charcoal than did surveys by Piperno and Becker (1996), whose findings represented forests with no human impacts, and thus that site indicated prehistoric human activity. However, the undated charcoal at this site was primarily in the upper 20 cm of soil. The absence of a fire chronology also makes it impossible to assess fire frequency and contemporaneity across a landscape, both of which provide significant clues to the intensity of human usage.

Also problematical for their conclusions is that no attempt was made to carry out paleo-botanical analysis of the soils through, for example, phytolith studies, which have been shown to provide sensitive reconstructions of human vegetation modification in soil contexts along with additional evidence for fire intensity and destructiveness. It should be stressed, contra assumptions in Levis et al. 2012, that phytoliths provide information on non-agricultural forms of landscape management through high visibility of species thought to have been artificially concentrated, such as palms, along with good representation of a variety of tree and other species whose frequencies would be expected to decrease in phytolith records upon their selective removal or human enrichment of others (McMichael et al. 2012 a,b).

We do not dispute that in some areas of Amazonia prehistoric human influence was strong, involving a number of methods of intensive landscape modification, or even that some interfluvial areas far from main watercourses may have seen substantial human influence. However, arguing for a significant human footprint, especially in interfluvial areas, requires evidence that goes beyond an identification of putatively anthropogenic flora in modern floristic associations (see also comments posted by Barlow) and simple recovery of charcoal from soils underneath them.

McMichael C, Bush MB, Piperno DR, Silman MR, Zimmerman AR, Anderson,C (2012a). Scales of pre-Columbian disturbance associated with western Amazonian lakes. The Holocene: 131-141.

McMichael C, Piperno DR, Bush MB, Silman MR, Zimmerman AR, Raczka MF, Lobato LC (2012b) Sparse pre-Columbian human habitation in western Amazonia. Science 336:1429-1431.

Piperno DR, Becker P (1996) Vegetational history of a site in the central Amazon Basin derived from phytolith and charcoal records from natural soils Quat Res 45:202-209.

Dolores R. Piperno, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC and Republic of Panama, and Crystal H. McMichael, Earth Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

No competing interests declared.

RE: Response to Levis et al. "Historical Human Footprint on Modern Tree Species Composition in the Purus-Madeira Interfluve, Central Amazonia, by Dolores R. Piperno and Crystal H. McMichael

clevis replied to ritanana on 21 Mar 2013 at 00:29 GMT

We agree with Dolores Piperno and Crystal McMichael that more paleo-botanical and archaeological data are necessary to build a more complete view of the impact of pre-Colombian populations in interfluvial areas. Our study, however, presents a novel (for Amazonia) botanical and ecological approach to investigate the historical human impact on forested landscapes of interfluvial areas in Central Amazonia. Using these methods, in addition to some archaeological methods, we provide new information to better understand the legacy of past human management on modern vegetation beyond occupation sites. This approach was also used in the Maya lowlands (Campbell et al. 2006 and Ross 2011), France (Dambrine et al. 2007) and Central Africa (van Gemerden et al. 2003), where results similar to ours contributed to understanding former landscape domestication. Before addressing Piperno and McMichael’s specific criticisms, we feel it is important to clarify that we did not “claim to present archaeological evidences for prehistoric human impacts”, rather we presented botanical and ecological evidence, with some archaeological evidence, that we interpret as being due to past human activities in forested landscapes. Here after we present our thoughts about each of the three criticisms made by Piperno and McMichael:
1) “No archaeological evidence was provided for the interfluvial areas without indications of Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE).”
Across the continuum of domesticated landscapes the degree of human modification varies from intensive (occupation sites and cultivated areas) to less intensive (managed areas) to not intensive (promoted areas) (see Clement (1999), who followed Harris’ (1989) model with different terminology). The archaeological evidence requested by Piperno and McMichael is abundant in occupation sites and cultivated landscapes, rare in managed landscapes and mostly absent in promoted landscapes. Hence, beyond occupation sites (ADE) and cultivated areas we did not expect to find ADE or significant amounts of charcoal and phytolith records of crop species, but we expected to find signs of past human management by assessing the distribution and abundance of useful woody species, as found in the Maya lowlands, Central Africa and France. For this reason, we provide not only archaeological evidence, but principally information regarding the modern forest’s composition that seems to be related to past human use and management. Using relative abundance, richness, and basal area of useful woody species, we found a strong pattern between these variables and the distance from the rivers (a proxy for distance from occupation sites). Piperno and McMichael considered that “these evidences do not add anything in this regard”; however, they give no alternative explanation for the pattern we found, other than to request vegetation reconstruction (below). We agree that archaeological evidences are essential to understand human settlements in occupation sites and cultivated areas, but we do not agree that botanical information is uninformative where the archaeological record is rare or absent. Perhaps Piperno and McMichael are expecting too much from the less intensively modified parts of the domesticated landscape continuum.
2) “…the charcoal data is largely un-interpretable with respect to past fire disturbance because none of it was dated.”
We recognize that dating the charcoal provides more precise information, but we do not agree that it is “largely un-interpretable”. Piperno and McMichael argue that “the uppermost 20 cm in soil profiles is often modern or just a few hundred years-old”, however, almost half of all charcoal dated in the uppermost 20 cm in soil profiles of the southern part of the Purus-Madeira interfluve (McMichael et al., 2012, Table S2) is pre-Columbian. Some of our charcoal samples were collected not more than 40-60 km from their sites with superficial pre-Columbian charcoal. Is it likely that our charcoal will be so different, given that it is so close geographically? To find out, we will collaborate with the new Radioecology Laboratory at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the first such laboratory in Brazil, for dating the charcoal of this study. In a forthcoming article, we will present a fire chronology of our sites and compare them more completely with McMichael et al.’s and other archaeological studies from Central Amazonia.
3) “…other interpretations made of prehistoric land usage are equivocal because vegetation reconstructions were not attempted.”
The lack of vegetation reconstructions does not make other interpretations equivocal, given the similarity of our results and interpretations to those from the Maya lowlands, Central African and France, and the fact that new methods do not invalidate earlier methods. Since the majority of the interfluve landscape was not converted into cultivated fields, the footprint of old settlements and fields are not visible today, but the less intensive manipulation of the forest composition is evident on the modern useful woody community, as we reported. We fully agree with Piperno and McMichael that the combination of archaeological methods to reconstruct past vegetation (phytolith studies) and a dated fire chronology, along with modern floristic studies such as we presented, will allow a more complete understanding of prehistoric landscape modification persisting in the Amazonian forest today. We intend to expand our research in this direction. However, contrary to Piperno and McMichael’s wide-ranging assertion that “phytoliths provide information on non-agricultural forms of landscape management through high visibility of species thought to have been artificially concentrated, such as palms, along with good representation of a variety of tree and other species whose frequencies would be expected to decrease in phytolith records upon their selective removal or human enrichment of others”, their own data set (McMichael et al., 2012, Suppl. Mat., p. 5) simply groups sets of tree-rich families, suggesting that the combination of modern floristic and phytolith data will be essential to interpret human modification of managed and promoted landscapes. In addition some of the major fruit species, such as Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut) and Theobroma (wild cacao), that we used as indicators of anthropogenic forests, do not leave a phytolith record (McMichael et al., 2012, Suppl. Mat., p.9; Piperno, 2006, Table 1.1, p.7). Even palms, which enjoy somewhat better phytolith discrimination, would need a more refined sampling methodology to permit the analysis that Piperno and McMichael suggest, as widely scattered test pits, such as those used by McMichael et al. (2012), are insufficient to provide the landscape level detail that Piperno and McMichael request here. For example, in 47 of 50 samples of their 13 locations in the Purus-Madeira interfluve forests, conical phytoliths were absent (e.g., Bactris gasipaes (peach palm) and Astrocaryum), including sites 120-125 with no phytoliths at all (McMichael et al., 2012, Suppl. Mat., p.9). The lack of Bactris-Astrocaryum phytoliths in general is surprising, since species of these genera are common understory palms throughout the interfluve (see Henderson, 1995). The absence of phytolith records does not mean that the species are not present in the landscape, since for the same area that McMichael et al. (2012) did not find Astrocaryum in the phytolith record (ancient or modern) we register more than two thousand individuals of Astrocaryum in a 3 ha of palm inventory (T Emilio, personal observation). In addition, we found individuals of Astrocaryum aculeatum in one of our study sites (M6) that is not far from the 121 site of their study. Thus, a combination of phytolith and modern floristic data seems to be a fruitful approach to follow. We will be delighted to collaborate with Piperno and McMichael to develop this more multidisciplinary approach in Amazonia.

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Dambrine EJL, Dupouey J-L, Laüt L, Humbert L, Thinon M, et al. (2007) Present forest biodiversity patterns in France related to former Roman agriculture. Ecology 88: 1430–1439.
Harris DR (1989) An evolutionary continuum of people-plant interaction. In: Harris DR, Hillman GC, eds. Foraging and farming: The evolution of plant exploitation. London: Unwin Hyman. pp. 11-26.
Henderson A (1995) The palms of the Amazon. New York: Oxford University Press.
McMichael CH, Piperno DR, Bush MB, Silman MR, Zimmerman AR, et al. (2012) Sparse pre-Columbian human habitation in Western Amazonia. Science 336: 1429–1431.
Piperno DR (2006) Phytoliths: A comprehensive guide for archaeologists and paleoecologists. Lanham, MD: AltaMira.
Ross, NJ (2011) Modern tree species composition reflects Ancient Maya ‘forest gardens’ in NW Belize. Ecol Appl 21(1): 75-84.
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No competing interests declared.