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Did researchers consider pre-menopausal factors

Posted by drshar90 on 26 Jan 2012 at 20:29 GMT

Since the majority of the subjects were described as "white, middle-aged, females," I wonder if any of the research considered the pre-menopausal factor. Formication has long been a well-known symptom of those who are about to menopause, although overshadowed I guess by the fun, hot flash symptom which probably fewer, and certainly non-carnivores, experience. So, was there any correlates with estrogen or progesterone levels, or time of the month, or any perimenopausal events? Were the afflicted more likely to experience formication at the end of the day or anytime of the day? The researchers seemed to rely too much on self-report of the afflicted. And, of course, lack of a control group is always bad science. There didn't seem to be an attempt to even utilize quasi-experimental methodology, possibly because Kaiser was paying anyway.

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Did researchers consider pre-menopausal factors

illuminated replied to drshar90 on 14 Feb 2012 at 14:26 GMT

That demographic covers the tetracycline generation, discoloured teeth,possibly different immunity levels. Could there be a link there?

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