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Study was vague

Posted by lostintime on 26 Jan 2012 at 06:06 GMT

This study should not have started out with an insurance-based medical facility.
To suggest this suffering is prominently middle aged white women with a history of drug use and being somatic in nature is completely false.
Stating the fiber is nothing more then cellulose is extremely vague. What type of cellulose?
From my understanding the Tulsa police and the FBI crime labs found no match to any cotton, nylon or any other thread based material. Why was this study not more specific in this area.
Could the anthropoid bites be a contributing factor? Why was this not looked into further?
Punch biopsies of the skin along with routine blood and urine test are not the kind of help sufferers were hoping for.
Please read the following site. to find new insight and possibilities as to why so many suffer.

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