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Media Coverage of This Article

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 24 Aug 2012 at 22:03 GMT

The following articles represent some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:

Publication: Huffington Post
Title: “Medications Are 'Inappropriately' Prescribed To 1 In 5 Seniors: Study”

Publication: Scientific American Observations
Title: “One in Five Rx's for Seniors Is Inappropriate | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network”

Publication: EurekAlert
Title: “Many medications for elderly are prescribed inappropriately”

If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.

Competing interests declared: PLOS ONE Staff

RE: Media Coverage of This Article

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 31 Aug 2012 at 21:44 GMT

The following article represents some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:

Publication: MedPage Today
Title: “Risky Drugs Widely Used by Seniors”

If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.

Competing interests declared: PLOS ONE Staff

RE: RE: Media Coverage of This Article

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 21 Sep 2012 at 23:34 GMT

The following articles represent some of the media coverage that has occurred for this paper:

Publication: Nivel
Title: “NIVEL | Nederlands instituut voor onderzoek van de gezondheidszorg”

Title: “Pharmacists Must Ensure Seniors Don't Receive Inappropriate Prescriptions”

Publication: CBC News
Title: “Prescriptions to seniors inappropriate 20% of the time - Health - CBC News”

Publication: Zorgvisie
Title: “Zorgvisie - Een op de vijf ouderen krijgt verkeerd medicijn”

Publication: TVV online
Title: “TVVonline, website van Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden - Nieuws”

Publication: Skirpr
Title: “Medicatie ouderen ondermaats - Actueel - Skipr”

Publication: Artsen Net
Title: “Een op de vijf ouderen krijgt verkeerd medicijn”

Publication: Medisch Contact
Title: “Medicatie voor ouderen vaak ongepast”

If you see any additional coverage of this paper in the press or blogosphere, please reply to this thread and add the link to the article.

Competing interests declared: PLOS ONE Staff