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Publisher's Note: Errors in Supporting Information legends.

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 04 Oct 2012 at 22:12 GMT


There were errors in the legends of Movie S2, Movie S3, and Movie S4.
Movie S2, "The top panel shows the average TE per particle pair as depicted in Figure 0 in the main text". "Figure 0" should be "Figure 2".
Movie S3, "The top panel shows the overall AIS as depicted in Figure 2 in the main text". "Figure 2" should be "Figure 4".
Movie S4 "The bottom panel shows the swarm dynamics at the specified time, the individuals' two-dimensional positions are plotted on the x and y axes, with the colours of each individual denoting the value of its local AIS. The local AIS values for each individual is shown here in different colours, according to the scale on the right.". Both mentions of "AIS" should be "TE".

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