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Posted by Dixie on 02 Jul 2009 at 16:00 GMT

This article refers to Schizophrenia as a 'disease'. How can that be so, bearing in mind the following:

If mental illness is a disease, a biochemical event, there must be:

1. Reliable evidence of a consistent cause-effect relationship between Schizophrenia, BAD, Depression, PTSD, ADHD etc and a brain disorder such as lesion, tumour, microbes or other markers

2. Evidence of a reliable diagnostic scan or test of brain, blood, urine, genes, etc that can distinguish untreated individuals with diagnoses from individuals without them

3. Evidence of a base-line standard, chemically balanced "normal" personality against which imbalance can be measured and shown corrected by pharmaceutical means

4. Evidence psychotropic drugs can reliably correct, heal, or cure such imbalance

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