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Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

Posted by PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:54 GMT

General comments:

This is an interesting and nicely written paper that made for a good discussion at journal club. As the first report on the role of the Ih current in neurons that do not spike and, therefore, operate with graded signals, it will certainly have an impact on our understanding of retinal processing, especially at dim light levels. On the down side, it is perhaps somewhat overstated and a much shorter version of the manuscript would have been preferred since some of the results are inconclusive or belabored.

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:55 GMT

The title:

We think the title should have been “Band-Pass filtering of input signals…”. The effect of Ih is not simply a high-pass filtering of the input signal; the authors themselves acknowledge this in the heading of figure 3 (RBCs display band-pass behavior in current-clamp) and in other parts of the text. The effect of Ih on high frequencies (see for example figure 4) is most likely masked by the slow membrane processing, the slow transductive mechanism of the rods and the slow activation/deactivation kinetics of Ih itself.

RE: Journal Club Discussion - Paper Title

LCangiano replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Jan 2008 at 09:56 GMT

In our view, the title suggested by the Otero and Rodriguez groups could lead the reader to think that the Ih current is, by itself, responsible for BOTH of the two main dynamic aspects of the rod bipolar cell's response: i. attenuation at low frequencies and ii. attenuation at high frequencies.
Band-pass behavior arises from the interaction of the 'inductive' element Ih, with the 'Resisto-Capacitive' cellular membrane. The former confers high-pass filtering characteristics, while the latter low-pass [ref. 31]. In other words, in the hypothetical case of a cell without capacitance (i.e. C=0), Ih would transform it into a high-pass filter. Throughout the paper we refer, although not always explicitly, to the band-pass behavior of rod bipolar cells as a consequence of the above-mentioned role of Ih.
Figure 4 (right column) displays the predicted effect that a blockade of Ih has on the impedance profile of a rod bipolar cell at potentials negative to -75mV: attenuation at low frequencies is abolished, while that at high frequencies is essentially unchanged. What Otero et al. may refer to in this figure is the slight enhancement with Ih just to the right of the resonance peaks. This enhancement, which may or may not arise depending on the specific electrical parameters of the cell, is not masked but rather relies entirely on the presence of the slow membrane properties!
In summary, the current title of the paper emphasizes the main contribution of Ih to rod bipolar cell behavior: that of attenuating low-frequency input, thus making responses more transitory in nature.

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:55 GMT

The (somewhat belabored) analysis:

We were impressed by the effort put into the analysis, which certainly makes for believable and consistent results. However, we do wonder how necessary all the steps are – wouldn’t the activation/deactivation kinetics of the Ih allow one to predict that its effect should be that of a band-pass filter (as in figure 3) without any further, and fancier, analysis?

RE: Journal Club Discussion - Analysis

LCangiano replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Jan 2008 at 10:13 GMT

As Otero, Rodriguez and colleagues point out, Ih is one of several known ionic currents conducive to resonance in neurons [ref. 41]. On the other hand, the actual expression of resonance in a specific cell endowed with Ih, requires its electrical parameters to be within a certain domain [eq. 23 in ref. 31]. Moreover, other types of ion channels could also contribute at the same, or at different membrane potentials (as exemplified in our paper).
Our approach of modeling individually recorded cells allowed us to evaluate to what extent Ih contributed to their band-pass profiles, at any given potential. As reported in the paper, model and experimental profiles were found to match very well at potentials more negative than about -70 mV (Figure 3C), thus demonstrating that Ih is largely--perhaps entirely--responsible for that domain of resonant behavior.

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:56 GMT

Jeff Magee’s classic results and our understanding of Ih:

In keeping with the previous comment, results in figure 5 are fully compatible – and possibly fully predictable – with the activation/deactivation kinetics of the Ih, as previously reported with similar figures by Jeff Magee. A direct comparison to Ih in spiking hippocampal pyramidal neurons would be very interesting.

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:57 GMT

(Membrane) potential issues in rod bipolar cells:

A vital point made by the authors (possibly the paper’s strongest): others have previously reported very different results owing to a much more depolarized membrane potential. Do the authors suggest that dim vision is sharper than would have been expected from the slow transductive mechanism of the rods because of the iteration of band-pass filters in series along the retinal circuit?

RE: Journal Club Discussion - Membrane potential in rod bipolars and retinal processing

LCangiano replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Jan 2008 at 10:14 GMT

Yes, this is one important point made by our paper. Band-pass filtering of light-evoked signals all along the rod pathway could, in conjunction with amplifying mechanisms, preserve or enhance behaviorally relevant temporal components of the original stimulus [ref. 25]. There is evidence to show that a similar mechanism operates already at the level of the rod inner segments, where the role of the voltage-dependent currents (Ih and Ikx) is to accelerate the voltage response with respect to the slow photocurrent [ref. 24].

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:58 GMT

The model:

In figure 3D it would have been helpful to see the predicted iBP separately for each of the 17 cells tested, in addition to the red curve showing the average iBP. That would allow us to compare each theoretical iBP to the red line, to see whether the enormous noise in the fit is because the model works poorly in each particular case or, as the authors imply, because there is great variability across individual points. Thus the way the figure is presented makes it impossible to evaluate if other conductances (notably, the residual current operating at the same membrane potential range of the Ih) should have been included in the model to fully explain the results.

RE: Journal Club Discussion - Model

LCangiano replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Jan 2008 at 10:14 GMT

The large spread in the iBP values shown in Figure 3D is simply due to the intrinsic variability found in the rod bipolar cell population. The red curve, which displays the iBP predicted by the average cellular model, shows that the voltage range where Ih may underly band-pass filtering overlaps with the negative range of experimentally observed band-pass behavior (<-75mV), but not with the positive range (>-70mV). The remarkably good predictive power of the model on a cell-by-cell basis, is instead shown in the examples of Figures 3C and 4, as well as in Figure 5A.

RE: Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain - Journal Club Discussion

PLOS_ONE_Group replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 09 Jan 2008 at 21:59 GMT

HCN1 vs. HCN2:

The part of the paper describing their efforts to identify the HCN channel isoforms responsible for the Ih in Rod Bipolar Cells (RBCs) seems a bit disconnected from the rest of the manuscript. This is partly because the results end up being inconclusive. Based on immunohistochemistry, they propose that HCN2 channels underlie the Ih current. However, in their discussion the authors recognize the problems associated with the localization protocols used and, furthermore, they argue that in isopotential neurons, which RBCs are supposed to be, “channel localization should not matter for electrophysiological function, and the HCN2 might as well have been uniformly distributed over the cell’s surface.” Second, the Ih activation kinetics, very different from those reported for HCN2, seem to support the opposite conclusion, that HCN1 are the channels mediating Ih in this preparation. We believe the paper would have done as well without this section, so the question we raise is, why do the authors seem so keen to promote HCN2 as the isoform responsible for Ih in RBCs?

RE: Journal Club Discussion - HCN1 vs. HCN2

LCangiano replied to PLOS_ONE_Group on 25 Jan 2008 at 10:23 GMT

Judging channel isoform identity by comparing time constants across dramatically varying experimental conditions such as patch pipette solutions, bath temperature, tissue vs. heterologous expression system, appears as a tricky operation at best. The kinetics of Ih in rod bipolars lies somewhat in between the two published ranges (see Discussion), and could be fully compatible with being mediated by either HCN1 or HCN2.
Based on these considerations we thus turned to immunohistochemistry. In full agreement with previously published data, we found that the HCN1 isoform is expressed in rods, with NO SIGN of an expression by rod bipolar cells! Our results, which point instead to an expression of HCN2 in rod bipolars, match those of references [19] and [21] in the rat using a different antibody, with the difference being the exact localization of these channels within the neuron. Essentially, the best currently available evidence has it that rod bipolars express HCN2, but not HCN1.
In principle our analysis of the functional role of Ih in rod bipolars of the mouse could have been published alone without the study on channel identity. On the other hand we believe that the results obtained with the immunohistochemistry represent an important and intriguing addition to the electrophysiology. Of particular interest is the fact that HCN2 appear to have a very localized expression at the level of sites of synaptic input, in striking analogy to what is found in other systems [ref. 73]. As discussed in the paper, the apparent conflict between the isopotentiality of rod bipolars and the spatially restricted location of HCN channels, could be the tantalizing sign of a modulatory interaction (structural or by means of a short range diffusing molecule) with some element of the post-synaptic complex.